Adamantine Material in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Adamantine is an extremely hard silvery metal. It is extremely rare and is primarily mined and used by Dwarves. It is found as a metal ore, usually with iron & diamond mixed in. Some Dwarves maintain it is a mix of the iron & diamond that makes it so hard. It is worked into weapons & armour regularly, and the odd time jewellery.   Since it is extremely rare, and only the Dwarves seem to know how to work it correctly, many speculate that it originated in Svartalfheim. How it comes to Earth is not know, though Dwarves will happily mine deep into the Underdark to try to find seams of it.


Material Characteristics

Silvery in colour, and never looses it's lustre at any time.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Hardest known metal, with the highest melting point.

Geology & Geography

Usually found throughout Svartalfheim, and deep in the Underdark.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Rarely used by common folk, only a minority of the very wealthy or privileged get to use it. Normally used in the form of weapons * armour. A little is turned into jewellery.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Linked to the Dwarves of Svartalfheim. Many Dwarven miners look to get a good seam of it, and military equipment is of best quality when it is made from it.

Manufacturing & Products

Weapons, armour, jewellery.

Environmental Impact

Found extremely deep in the Underdark, so a possibility of cave-ins, noxious gasses, and monsters of the Underdark.


Trade & Market

Usually bought & sold by Dwarves across the Material World.
100000 gp per kilo
Very rare
Melting / Freezing Point
50000 degrees celcius.
Common State
Ore, usually with traces of diamond & iron.
Related Professions


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