OM Scene 1.3.1 Prose in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

OM Scene 1.3.1

The next night, at the lake, Paolo kissed Casper again, and they stood up and got dressed. Paolo glanced past Casper at the large, flat concrete slab at the edge of the cliff, about fifty meters away.

“Is that some secondary space port, or something?” Paolo said.

“No, it’s the start and finish for the annual regatta, sir,” Casper said. “It's this weekend, as a matter of fact. If I were you I’d stick around a few more days and watch the regatta, it's the high point of the year in these parts.”

“The regatta is a thing?” Paolo said. “When I saw the 'lake,’ I assumed it was just some inside joke that the locals tell, to poke fun at visitors.”

“No, sir,” Casper said. “The regatta is a real competition. We race around the lake on these flying sail yachts. The yachts are fast, difficult and dangerous, but so much fun. I’m on the High School’s yacht team, and we’ve won the last three years. I’m confident we'll win this year too.”

“So, at least your teammates don't forget you're there?” Paolo said. “The way you said others do, including your dads.” “They do, sir,” Casper said. “But not while we‘re sailing.”

Somewhere off to their right several rocks, about fist sized, rolled over the cliff side in a brief rockslide. It lasted only a few seconds.

“Is that common here?” Paolo said.

“Not on its own, sir,” Casper said. “It only happens when someone who doesn't know the terrain tries to climb down, the carved steps on the cliff face over there.”

“Is there someone else out here?” Paolo said.

Both Paolo's and Casper’s forearm tattoos glowed. Their holographic interfaces switched on and chirped. A holographic fractal appeared. They didn’t the opportunity to decline the dream invite.

“That's illegal,” Paolo said and then both fell asleep.

Thirty minutes later Casper woke up. He got a flashlight from Paolo's duffel bag and searched the area, but the Midshipman was gone.


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