Cerebral Repository Species in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

Cerebral Repository

A jellyfish-like life form which is indigenous to the planet Prometheus, the capital world of the Trident Coalition. They only exist in the desert canyon known as Lake Nuwattah-Nuwattah, which they never leave.

They're bluish white and have a faint bioluminescent quality. The disc-shaped body, of the adult creature, is a little over a meter in diameter, and the tentacles can be up to three meters long.

They don't swim in water, but rather swim, or float about ten meters above ground, using rising hot air.

When a human gets stung by these creatures the human's memories get siphoned up, into the jellyfish, and stored in their hive mind. The human doesn't lose his, or her memories, but they do get a flood of other people's memories, so much that they're overwhelmed at first. After a few hours, the human who got stung gets flashbacks of other people's memories. Depending on the physique, age and health of the person who gets stung, it can be fatal. It's fatal in approximately five to ten percent of the cases. It's excruciating to get stung, but the survivors recuperate within hours, sometimes days.

Scientific Name
Medusozoa Volante


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