Ten Rings Organization in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Ten Rings

The Ten Rings was a terrorist organisation active in Iraq throughout the Second Gulf War.

In 2008, they kidnapped Tony Stark, and tried to force him to recontruct Stark Industries' Jericho Missile for them. Instead, Stark constructed the first Iron Man Armour and fought his way out.

There is considerable debate among historians and experts as to whether the Ten Rings active in Iraq is related to the historical Ten Rings which appear in east Asian, particularly Chinese, records from the Jin dynasty onwards.

Aldrich Killian attempted to blame the Extremis explosions on the Ten Rings, even going so far as to try and hire an actor to play the Mandarin in videos. The figure of the Mandarin appears in both Eastern and Western accounts of the historical Ten Rings, although the name 'the Mandarin' is found only in English language sources.

Articles under Ten Rings