Aldrich Killian Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Aldrich Killian

Dr Aldrich Killian

Aldrich Killian was a scientist who founded the bio-medical research company, Advanced Idea Mechanics.

He initially approached Tony Stark for funding. After Stark refused, he formed a partnership with biologist Maya Hansen, her Extremis project becoming the primary focus of AIM research. Although unstable, the Etremis formula proved successful as a treatment for his cerebral palsy.

When it was discovered that Extremis could cause test subjects to explode, Killian created a fictional terrorist, the Mandarin, to take responsibility. He had intended to take this further, even auditioning actors to play the Mandarin in confession videos, but he was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D on evidence provided by Tony Stark, and was convicted of terrorism.

In 2013, while serving time in Florida State Prison, he was found dead in his cell. The death was ruled a suicide.

Original Timeline

In the original timeline, Killian hired Trevor Slattery to play the Mandarin. When Happy Hogan was injured in the fourth Mandarin 'bombing', Tony Stark vowed to bring the Mandarin to justice. In retalliation, Killian had Pinnacle House destroyed.

Tony eventually uncovered the truth about the Mandarin, and identified Killian as the perpetrator of the attacks, but not before eight 'bombings' had taken place.

In an attempt to protect himself, he kidnapped President Ellis, and Tony Stark's partner, Pepper Potts. Tony Stark and James Rhodes succeeded in rescuing the President. Killian was killed in a fight with Pepper Potts.

1967 CE 2013 CE 46 years old
Circumstances of Death
Tampa, Florida
Place of Death
Florida State Prison, Florida
Aligned Organization