Ho Yinsen Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Ho Yinsen

Dr Yinsen Ho

Ho Yinsen was a renowned biomedical-scientist and surgeon. Although he grew up in Afghanistan, his father was a Russian-educated Tibettan doctor who was posted in Afghanistan as part of a medical aid programme. While there, he met and fell in love with an Afghan woman, and the two married.

Yinsen trained as a surgeon, though he later transitioned to medical research. Prior to the Afghan war, he worked in Switzerland, but returned home with the commencement of the war, returning to the village of Gulmira where he had been born, acting as the local dcotor, and later marrying a local woman. He and his wife had one daughter, Toni Ho, who Yinsen believed had been killed when the Ten Rings raided Gulmira in search of a doctor.

Yinsen was charged with attending to Tony Stark's medical needs after he was brought in injured from an explosive.

After several months in captivity, Yinsen helped Stark escape the cave by developing a specialised suit of armour, but during their escape, he sacrificed himself in order to save Stark's life, ordering Stark as his died not to waste his life.

After returning to the United States, Stark discovered that Yinsen's family had actually survived, and paid for Yinsen's widow and daughter to emigrate to America, hiring Mrs Ho to work for Stark Industries .
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
1963 CE 2009 CE 46 years old
Known Languages
Dari (native), Tibettan (fluent), Engligh (fluent), Russian (fluent), Urdu (proficient), French (proficient), Hungarian (limited)