
A demonic beast that lives in the plains of the Demon Realm  Wunas are seen as the symbol of Maenscul, the Deity of Kings, and thus also seen as symbols of kingship and power. The deity even rides a celestial wunas as a mount.    As such, they are also the symbol of the position of Demon King.

Basic Information


A large quadruped with ursine front paws and an ursine face, and a furry bovine body with unguligrade back legs and bovine horns.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wunas reproduce sexually, with a gestation period of two years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wunas reach adult size at twenty years of age, and sexual maturity at sixty.

Ecology and Habitats

Wunas are best suited for wide-open spaces to roam in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wunas are omnivores that rely primarily on grazing, supplementing their diet with small animals. Often, these are found through digging.


Due to their large size and great strength, only larger predators tend to attack wunas - usually bringing down a weak member of the herd with pack-hunting tactics.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Wunas form large herds, with no discernible hierarchy.


One of the first domesticated animals in the Demon Realm, wild wunas are typically larger than the domesticated variety. Wild wunas also tend to have darker brown to black coats, and can be more aggressive than domestic wunas.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Originally, wild herds of wunas were followed by demons wanting to collect their dung for fuel. They have extremely dry dung that burns almost as clean as wood, and its wide use for fire caused the animals to be associated with Maenscul, the Deity of Kings. Nomadic herders started the domestication process, and there are still a few bands of herders in the modern Demon Realm. However, most herds can be found attached to a city, where their milk and fur are collected in addition to their dung.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found primarily in the Great Western Plains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wunas have an excellent sense of smell.
Average Height
7.5-9ft tall
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wunas tend to have blonde, white, or brown colored fur with a woolen texture.
Geographic Distribution

Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.

In Which a Demon King Does Not Have a Romantic Interest in His Human Gardener

Blurred Spoiler CSS by Stormbril
Tooltip and Breadcrumb CSS by Nnie

Cover image: by Rori Thornton


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