Plants of the Demon Realm

A letter from famed elven botanist Huo'a Uetsua to his twin brother, Otsi'i, Economic Advisor to Queen Heje'a Etsashi.


Otsi'i Uestua, one of the companions of Champion Laurent Barrilleaux, asked his botanist twin Huo'a to gather intelligence on the Demon Realm after the Champion's defeat by Demon General Jurao. While it took Huo'a some time to act on this request, Otsi'i soon realized his mistake in asking his brother as soon as the first less-than-informative "report" came in. At least, in regards to the kind of information Otsi'i actually wanted.

Document Structure


One of several very similar... "reports" about the Demon Realm sent between the elven twins.
Report, Intelligence
Crystal, Magical

Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.

In Which a Demon King Does Not Have a Romantic Interest in His Human Gardener

Blurred Spoiler CSS by Stormbril
Tooltip and Breadcrumb CSS by Nnie


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