Naosuli's Hands Species in The Thirteen Realms | World Anvil

Naosuli's Hands

A type of cactus found in the Demon Realm.   The cactus is named for both the shape of the tall false flowers on the top of their stalks and the demon deity of death, Naosuli. As it usually has five to seven stalks in a single plant, and the deity has six hands,  the connection is easy to draw.

Basic Information


A low growing, wide propogating cactus that grows fruit. It has tall stalks in the center of its plant body, with flower-shaped endings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Naosuli's Hands reproduce via budding.

Ecology and Habitats

Naosuli's Hands grow in dry, sandy soil with little annual percipitation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Naosuli's Hands are carniverous - they use the fruit in low growing bodies and the heavy scent given off by their tall stalks to attract prey to them. The stalks are able to move independantly, and usually rip their prey apart as soon as its close enough.

Additional Information


Wild Naosuli's Hands give off a potent ordor similar to decay and rot, as many Wastes animals are carrion feeders and scavengers. Domesticated version in gardens have adapted to give off a sweet odor, finding it attracts demons and non-scavenger animals better alike.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The temples of Iesula and Sciekles within the Wastes rely on Handfruit as their main food staple, though its considered as more of a delicacy in the rest of the realm. Tea made from the low growing pads is also believed to promote general health.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found almost exclusively in the Volcanic Wastes, though also kept in gardens throughout the realm. They have also taken root in the area just outside the city of Gnomesaroy.
2,500 years
Average Height
8-9 ft
Geographic Distribution


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