Armored Waterbird

A demonic bird that swims the lakes and rivers of the Demon Realm.

Basic Information


A flightless aquatic bird with a reptilian head at the end of a long neck. Their bodies are covered in a combination of triangular scales and water-proof feathers, and they rely on their thick tails to propel them through the water. Their wings have adapted into a flipper-like shape, and they often walk on the bottom of riversides when not actively hunting for food.

Genetics and Reproduction

Waterbirds reproduce by laying eggs, with a gestation period of three years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Waterbirds reach adult size by twenty years of age, and sexual maturity at forty.

Ecology and Habitats

Waterbirds live along the banks of rivers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Waterbirds feed primarily on fish, but will go after other prey when given the opportunity.


Waterbirds are active hunters, using a long sticky tongue and strong jaws to capture prey.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Waterbirds mate for life, becoming extremely dedicated to their partners. They live in small groups of five to six pairs.


Domesticated waterbirds are less aggressive than their wild counterparts, and bred to have pure white feathers and scales which make them stand out in the water.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Waterbirds are used to tow boats against river currents, usually with bonded pairs working together.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Waterbirds have an excellent sense of smell.
1000 years
Average Height
Average Length

Blurred Spoiler CSS by Stormbril
Tooltip and Breadcrumb CSS by Nnie


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