Alae Character in The Thirteen Realms | World Anvil

Alae (æleɪ)

The secretary of Demon King Jurao .

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alae is the oldest son of one of the many commoner families working in the Demon King’s Castle - his in particular having worked there for several generations. Most of his family works in the Artisan Department under various branches, but Alae chose to transfer into the Administration Department due to an aversion to mess - which was present in most artisanal professions.   While many had called Alae a beauty as he grew from adolescence into adulthood, he became suspicious of the motivation of others due to the disregard many demons have for inspired demons in particular. He knew most the nobles and higher-level staff that flirted with him had ulterior motives, or at the very least only saw him as good for a little amusement on their part. He had some lofty dreams of improving his station by various means, but his work kept him so busy he barely had time to think any of them through - nonetheless act on them.   That all changed when a newly made officer in the Demon King's Army selected Alae to be his secretary. Alae had met Jurao the officer several times when he was still a common soldier running paperwork for his superiors - but he hadn't thought they had enough of a connection for the man to request him. Jurao had never flirted with him or seemed to notice his looks at all - but Alae supposed that could be an act. He himself was a fairly good actor, after all.    Alae initially distrusted Jurao - bitterly, due to his background. He thought the officer was making a show of treating everyone fairly and rewarding merit over status, which made Alae unreasonably angry because he could at least respect nobles that were honest about their bad intentions. Especially when Jurao was friends with Feyl, a noble well-known for his ability to scheme and manage others in the court.    Over time, as Alae continued on as Jurao's secretary up through the ranks, Alae realized this was not the case. No matter that he used his position as secretary to try and embarrass Jurao from time to time, or 'accidentally' mess up paperwork in a way that caused trouble with Jurao's superiors, the officer never doubted him or his intentions. Even with Feyl blatantly telling Jurao who was to blame, Jurao didn't seem to think any of it was worth the trouble of getting to the truth of the matter. In this way, Alae realized his boss was entirely genuine - and began to think he might have judged others too harshly as well.     When Jurao Ascended to Demon King, Alae was still the person he chose as his secretary - further solidifying that he really did value merit above all else. It softened some of Alae's resentment from his earlier years, but he remained more healthily wary of the motivations of others.
Cis Man
two blue with black sclera
long straight pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tan with green wavy markings


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