Session 21 CSS Shenanigan's: Good Will Mission for the Princess Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 21 CSS Shenanigan's: Good Will Mission for the Princess Report

General Summary

Once the promotion ceremony was done Commodore Denniston went right to his ship and prepared to leave for Clarke to start the good will mission for the princess. Departing Drinax at 24:00 hours day 254.  The crew was going to Clarke for the first time. While travelling to Clark a passenger by the name of  Julian Hunter a 61 year old female who kept asking questions the whole week concerning the ships condition claiming she had to make it to Clarke alive. It was very important that she get there alive. As the crew arrived into Clarke and getting permission to land they noticed the Down Port was surrounded by millions of graves. On top of the temple was a Necrotemple on top of the Star port. Once landed the passenger Julian Hunter was off the ship as fast as she could get off heading into the star port. Vlad was the first crew member off about an hour later once his post flight procedures were done. He went immediately to the temple. Uz-Khoun headed to the local bar for food and information. The security team accompanied the captain as he sold the freight that he had bought in Drinax and made a nice prophet. Then proceeded to the star port for information on the raid and was directed to the temple to a keeper by the name of Keeper Marlos. Dr. Cannon and Jean Pierre stayed aboard the Shenanigan's. Vlad was very much interested in the process of cryogenics process that was going on. The black slab grave markers were a carbon based material much like what happened to Han Solo. He was trying to convince the keeper to share the technology and material they used. Keeper Marlos excited of a potential disciple showed him first hand knowledge as he was finishing carbonating the passenger Julian Hunter who had a happy smile on her face. Keeper Marlos explained that when the great healer come to heal everyone she could live a pain free life free of all problems and never die. While this was going on he kept on saying morbid jokes about death. When Vlad asked if he could study the material and take it with him Keeper Marlos told him that would go against the code of the temple and its beliefs. If he wanted that information he would have to stay give up everything and become a disciple. Then Commodore Denniston showed up and started asking questions about the raid. This changed the mood of Keeper Marlos for the evil things the raider s did not giving the people murdered the freedom to choose the practice of cryogenics. The raider killed many people before they could be preserved these people cannot be resurrected on the day of the healing. He offered the crew 500,000 credits for the death of these raiders. They did not have the right to be preserved. Then he showed them the location of the raid where the crew discovered that they blew up a warehouse stealing ancient computer parts. They were able to ascertain that there was  two ships involved in the attack. A Type-S Scout and a Far Trader, both refitted with with extra weapons. Then the crew headed to Torpol where the second raid had happened.  Meeting Provost Falx who Vlad has assisted  in the capture of three pirates. When The provost learned that they were there to help in the investigation of the raid offered MCr2 for the capture alive or dead of the raiders. He gave the a copy of the video and access to information to help solve this as quickly as possible. The crew split the investigation by using there strengths. Vlad and Uz-Khoun discovered that there were actually three ships involved on the raids. The third ship was salvage hauler which was a stolen ship of the imperial navy under the renegade Admiral Darokyn 12 or 15 years ago. The location of the Admiral is unknown. The two ships that did the raid went by Argo 1 and Argo 2 when they bought fuel before the raid. Domic discovered that the scout ship CSS Misery's Company landed on Torpol two days prior to the raid and sold computer scrap material to another trader called Holmer. Then they refueled and departed. The captain of the scout ship was a Vargr Called Krrrsh. Near the jump point they has an incident with a far trader called the CSS Sarcomond. The crew learned that the Sarcomond was still in port for repairs after the incident. Captain went looking for the ship meeting a very dejected crew who told him the there captain Vlaw was at the bar. Going to the bar he found a very drunk and depressed Daniel Vlaw who because of the incident had no credits to fix the ship and no credits pay his crew. He made comment about how he should have taken the King of Drinax offer. He crying and ordering drinks when the commodore offered the captain spares to fix his ship and pay his crew if he would fly under his flag.  A spark of light came into the captains eye took the offer and informed the commodore that the scout ship was going to the system of Borite.

Rewards Granted

  • MCr 9,505,000 total Payout
  • Cr 475,250 per share. (20 shares )
  • Cr 950500 Main Crew Share x2 shares 6 crew members
  • Cr 475,250 Secondary Crew x1 shares 3 crew Members
  • MCr 2,376,250 Captain Share x5 shares. 

Missions/Quests Completed

Gather information on the two raids.

Character(s) interacted with

Direct Contact: 
  1. Julian Hunter 61 year old female human who chose cryogenics on Clarke
  2. Keeper Malos 42 year old male human Psychopomps priest on Clarke
  3. Provost Falx 34 year old male human Provost Marshal on Torpol
  4. Captain Daniel Vlaw 50 year old male Captain of the CSS Sarcomond's
Names given in investigation:
  1. 1. Krrrsh Male Vargr Captain of the Misery's Company a S class Scout ship.
  2. 2. Admiral Darokyn A Formal imperial Navy officer who fled the Imperium. 
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Soriluss Morthikolor
Uz Khoun
Jean Paul Pierre
Domic Asc
Report Date
28 Nov 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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