Session 02: Seeking Ms. Sycca Kawavi Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Session 02: Seeking Ms. Sycca Kawavi Report

General Summary

The new interns of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation embark on there first mission on the planet of Blue the crew learn of a new crew member who is going to be the XO of the group a Baron by the name of Vituvius Galen who sent a commuique to the crew to meet him at the Ritz Carlton the hotel chained owned by the Travellers Aid Society (TAS) for a late dinner. As the crew meet Ronin and the Baron catch up a little bit as they once served together in the Star Marines. Intel is shared and the crew knows that a lady by the name of Juliet has valuable information on the Stock market that is for sell. The cost of this information is 350,000 credits. This Julet is on an island 13,000 KM sw of the starport of Blue. As they are having a very fancey dinner a commuique from a concerned friend who tells the crew that a weak signal from the Rising Shadow. This concerned friend tells the crew that three months ago it was a strong signal now it is week. This concerned friend name was Nemo.   The next morning the crew meets at the low port where they learned that a passage has been booked on the CSS Dice for the crew. The flight is 40 minutes. As the crew flys towards the island several of them learn the the Island is ran and operated by the Umbrella corporation. Umbrella corporations is resposnible for most of the medicinal medical needs of Charted space. The copilot lifts of the gound and does something wrong and the ship slams down the deck causing three of the crew to be knocked out of there chairs. Rudolf looking out the window looks for possible Fuana on the forzen tondra. Oswald hacks into the comms link of the crew and learns that there are people in the cargo hold but decides not to further investgate. He does pick up the the flight crew and that the weather patterons are always something to watch because they can change in a heart beat which would be good for them to be caught out in a storm like this.   Arriving on the island at 10:00 hours the crew learn that this island not only is a mine for a unknown subtance but it also has a low security prison on the island that was not listed on the libaray. As the crew departed the CSS Dice they noticed leaving the cargo bay was a line of eight prisoners heading to the north end of the complex. The facality has five landing pads, but only four pads were being used. The fifth pad was on the outside of the protective bubble covered in thick ice as it was exposed to the extreme weather conditions of the planet. The landing pads on the east end of the facality. on the west end of the the facality is the island amenties which includes a Motel XXVI, two differnt places for food, and a Wally World. To the south is the quarters of employees and families that live on this isalnd. The north end of the faclites is the low securtiy prison. The interns headed to the center section of the complex which housed the operations portion of Umbrella Corporation. As they walked through they could see that the prisoner were being supervised by the people in lab coats. Guards were stationed at key points as well for suvervison. The prisoners were working with some kind of green plant with muticolored flowers. Strange that a plant would survive on this frozen tundra.   The interns knocked on the fabricated cabin door where the seceratary Georgia Belle answered the door with a confused look on her face. Once why was someebody knocking on the door, two who were these unexpected guest on the island. Georgia seated them in the make shift waiting room then they met with a Walter P Clorox the junior exceutive and in charge of this facality. As with Georgia he also was confused with the unexpected visitors on his island. As the conversion carried on Walter discovered that he had a unknown guest or prisoner may be an assissan who is a person of intrest in the death of senior excutive on the planet of Marduk. This brought conern on his face as he sent them to captain Doninik Jankovic head of his security and of the prisoners. Oswald was able to detect a well hidden TL 15 bug in the Walter's office which set the excutive in a moment of fear. The question was also asked about the ship outside of the bubble which Walter told the party that if they could get that bucked of bolts to run they could have it and to get it off his property. He need that pad for moving product He even offerec them a job to move some of his precious cargo when they leave on the ship.   From there the interns split with with Vitruvius and Ferus going to the security complex. Oswald and Uz-Khoun going to the the Rising Shadow and Rudolf and Ronin going to get some food at the Astro burger. Oswald and Uz-Khoun had to wait an hour for landingpad 5 to be put in the protective bubble. Once in the bubble the WCD employees began to assist in the process of removing the ice covered ship. It was determined that it would take 20 hours to remove the ice form the ship. Ferus and Vitruvius picke up that the captain of the security team along with a least three of the 75 man staff were involved with the women known as Juliet AKA Sycca kawavi. Using the tecnology and wafer in his head Vitruvious was able to hack into the comms of the security team. He was able to determine that there was a main channel and a second channel that three guards were using. The female by the name of Nikola had commuicated that the there bug was being jammed by something and she could not break the jam. Walter had given the order to move landing pad five in the protective circle. Captain Donink tried to convince Vitruvius that there was a unknow viris on the ship. Meanwhile back a the ship Uz-Khoun began talking about Nemo. Between the two engineers they were able to reach the air lock in two hours. They were able to determine that the ship was one of the new series of the Free Trader the new A-3 Fast trader that was comminsoned by the Areospace corporation in the year 1104 3I. Ronin arrived at the ship to help with the security of the crew as they began to investigate inside of the ship. A confused Ronin as he was listening to conversations with Uz-Khoun trying to figure out how many people were on the ship as he heard the names of Elloit and Nemo. As the conversation continued Uz-Khoun talking to his new ship was able to get the power up and running from the inside of the ship. The heating system, lifesupport, and the lights. Once the power was up the ships computers started to reboot as well. Oswald was able to dertmine that Captain Jankovic flew this ship form the lowport on Blue to the present location.   This information was relayed to Vitruvius as he sent a encrypeted message to the Knight of the planet Charles Hefy III that he had set a smart device that was going over power the bubble with to much power causing it to overload and shut down just over 24 hours and that he could move in. He infomed the knight that he retrieved a transmission from his securtiy team that Lunk Thunderchin would be arriving at his faclites in 72 hours. He was to keep this quiet so that the security team was not alerted. Walter began asking questions who were these arrivals and how did they get the information that they have retrived. He was proplexed he had employees to answer and protect but the warning was clear he did not know who he could trust. The corporate business trips when we was gone is when the cover up was started. The question he kept on asking himself for how long. Now he had a deilima and a hard choices to make. He was going to have answer not only the staff here but senior mangament that Lunk Thunderchin was coming to their hidden island of a very valualbe resource to the company.

Rewards Granted

781642 CSS Rising Shadow.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Walter P. Clorox Human Male. 
  • Captain Dominik Jankovic Human Male
  • Stanislav Baca Human Male
  • Nikola Kralova Human Female
  • Viktoria Cudova Human female
  • Georgia Belle. Human Female
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Vitruvious Galen
Vitruvious Galen, 50, Human (Cyborg) from TBD
Uz Khoun
Ferus Blackclaw
Ferus Blackclaw, 32, Aslan from Ohaualr
Oswald Smith
Obswald Smith, 34, Human from Tobia
Ronin Outinhenter
Report Date
28 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters


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