Seelie Court of Fae Ethnicity in The Terrene | World Anvil
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Seelie Court of Fae

I saw her light and turned away,
It shone too bright, I'd not survive
But she spoke to me, and helped allay
My fear, so that my soul would thrive

She touched my skin, it came alive,
A spark of passion and delight.
No longer would my self deprive
Myself the wonders of the light.

I looked upon her and despite
the painful brilliance of her sun
I held onto her 'til the night
she left me with my life undone.

The Seelie Queen has broken me,
But by her hand I am now free.

— Forgotten Bard
Circa 100 Af.


Major language groups and dialects

High Seelie can speak any language, although rarely speak anything other than common or Seelie. All Seelie speak common and the Seelie dialect of Sylvan. Then can communicate with those who speak the Unseelie dialect, but they generally resort to common.


Beauty Ideals

The beauty of the Seelie court is of utmost importance to them. Their standards of beauty most closely align with those of elves and humans. The Seelie Court prizes warmth and brightness above all. This is reflected in all aspects of their appearance, from physical attributes to clothing choices.

Skin tones for the Seelie range from dark, rich browns, vibrant greens, pastel red or yellow, or a light fawn. Their eye colors are incredibly varied, although they are always intense colors, and often stand in contrast to the skin. Hair colors are a rainbow, although usually complementary to skin tone. The Seelie tend to favor longer hair, and very few have any facial hair to speak of

Seelie clothing is often metallic colors, with gold being the most common. They tend to wear little clothing, exposing skin to the heat of summer. They choose their clothing to accentuate their bodies to show off what they feel is most visually appealing.

Gender Ideals

All Seelie are rather gender fluid. Gender identity does not mean much to the Seelie - they express themselves as they want, and have no real conception of gendered roles. Gender is also not a factor in sexual relations.

Relationship Ideals

The Seelie do not form lasting relationships. Many relationships do not last beyond encounters at a Seelie celebration (although some of those parties, and encounters, can last for weeks). Most relationships among the Seelie are deep friendships. These are generally platonic, but in some cases can be sexual. Monogamy is unheard of among the Seelie.

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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