Credence's Comprehensive Compendium Organization in The Terrene | World Anvil
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Credence's Comprehensive Compendium


The Compendium is the largest collection of documents in the world. The collection has been growing for over 400 years and contains everything from the focus of the various magic schools to ponderings on the mysteries of the Truths to a secret recipe for butter-poached lobstrosity.


Cedric Credence spent much of his youth traveling the continent and collecting various documents and tomes. These were initially placed in the Credence Castle library, redounding to the family in exchange for the large sums of gold from the family coffers Credence lived on while traveling.

When Cedric underwent his change, the collection sat for a time in the castle. It was several generations before more documents started to be added to it, but eventually it became a point of pride for the clan to have the most comprehensive collection of documents in the world. A hundred years after Cedric left the family, the size of the collection had doubled, and it has been growing steadily ever since.

In 611 Af, the Compendium was moved along with the Castle to a private plane of reality created by the combined efforts of the 12 most powerful members of the clan. There it remains, accessible only to members in good standing.

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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