Storm Season Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Tanitverse | World Anvil

Storm Season

Storm Season. Even the toughest, most experienced people on Tanit II take storm season seriously. Lasting about three months, even a light season can be devastating to an unprepared location. Storm season on Tanit II is roughly analogous in terms of timing to Earth's Spring-Summer period, and varies by latitude in duration and severity. Storm Season sees reductions in almost all industries and usually coincides with industrial vacation blocks.   The aftermath of Storm Season is always rough, with few locations making it though without some significant levels of damage to infrastructure, private property, and industrial areas. Not even the advanced materials and building techniques used have proven to be 100% proof against the fury of the sea.


At the lighter end of Storm Season, it's heavy rain and high winds combined with waves that seldom drop below sea state 5 (2.5 to 4m wave height). The skies are dark, the air is heavy, and nothing that goes outside stays dry. At its worst, Storm Season launches typhoons (southern hemisphere) and hurricanes (northern hemisphere) of gigantic proportions across the surface of the world, and the winds generates see waves reaching seas state 8 (9 to 14m wave height).   Tanit II has five seasons, a wet and warming spring, a hot and humid summer, Storm Season, a dryer autumn, and finally a wet and cool winter. Because the seasons are so distinct, they've largely replaced months as the way people track dates. As Storm Season approaches, there are higher instances of thunder and lightning storms and rapid drops in atmospheric pressure. Storm Season is "felt" long before it arrives. For days the skies darken and the wind picks up, weather alerts are sounded and people gather into their homes. When the storms come, it's all noise and fury. Intense rain, dark skies, constant pounding winds. People avoid going outside as much as possible, only emerging for the direst emergencies.


The timing for the Storm Season is opposite between the northern and southern hemispheres. This has created a tourism boom, where people travel via passenger submarine to calmer islands in the opposite hemisphere, then catch flights to that hemisphere's vacation destinations. Agala Mumbai is a notable exception to this though; their wave and storm season is so spectacular that they successfully turned it into a draw for tourists! The full year's worth of tourism income has done wonders for their economy.


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