Humans Species in The Tales of the Leather-Bound Book | World Anvil
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Humans, or 'Terrans' if you're feeling fruitily specific though this refers specifically to Humans from Earth. Industrious and intelligent, Humans are recognised as the evolved apes of the universe. They're considered a little strange for only somewhat recently being able to integrate with the universe at large; only within the last 200 hundred years. They do however have a great partnership with Orcs. Orcs see them like a little brother with the brains. Orcs can build what Humans can figure out better than they can. This has lead to their friendship and integration over many years, allowing for a foothold for Humans to grow rapidly within the world by taking Orc technology then ironing out the kinks the Orcs were never able to figure out.   It should be noted that most Species names are written from the point of view of Humans for the benefit to the reader as it's assumed you are human, thus better able to benefit from the mythological draws the nomenclature of these documents to better grasp the nature of the articles subject. Most races have their own words for other races. Not all of them are pretty.   There are human clans that existed outside of Earth. Terrans are the only ones to rise to prominence but humans have been known about from other worlds for centuries. The issue is that most have had a far, far, faaaar worse time of it than Terrans. Some have been kept as slave races or pets, some have been wiped out or nearly eradicated. Mostly by Elves. They do not like Humans at all.

Basic Information


From the point of view of the intended reader, it's what you are presumed to be. Two eyes, a nose, a single multipurpose orifice; all sitting upon a skull protected by thin muscles and skin. Hair atop the head for...decoration more than anything else at this point. Further decorative hair can be grown depending on biological gender.   Main body consists of a torso, with a pelvis that wiggles around for extra articulation. Two arms and legs are ended in useful appendages that are for either stability over surfaces or grabbing things. This simple set up is known as 'humanoid' by Terran classification standards so it's the term we'll be using here for clarity despite unintended geo-centralism.

Biological Traits

Humans are split into versions that grew specific traits that continue to manifest to this day. Differing levels of melatonin and inherited facial traits that denote heritage are a thing though Terrans have had to work together as a group for centuries so these traits no longer cause issues between themselves like they did before. They have bigger issues to deal with than that now. Neither seems to give any major advantage other than better protection from sunburn from skin with higher levels of natural melatonin.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual congress between a woman and a man then gestation for 9 months before birth from the womb. A humanoid standard. Very little deviation though it's interesting that humans are capable of breeding successfully with the most amount of humanoid species currently known. Hybrids are common. Half-Orc hybrids likely being the most common of them.

Growth Rate & Stages

A human lifespan is around 100 years, though only due to advances in their medicinal capabilities. They are a baby, a child, a teenager an adult and then elderly. It's something most are familiar with. For completely arbitrary reasons to do with laws and interpretations of number's significances, they value the ages 5, 10, 16, 18, 21, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and 110.

Ecology and Habitats

Picture Earth and you have it. An atmosphere of oxygen and nitrogen mix, light from the sun and a moderate gravitational field is where a Human likes to live. Humans can be tough but like any other Humanoid, they need to breathe and eat. And like a decent temperature. And don't like extreme pressures. Goldilocks planets like Earth have yielded Humans before in roughly the same manner.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivorous and have made a culture out of the food they consume. Most happily eat meat, seemingly a favourite amongst humans as they have a plethora of different methods of preparation, including ritualistic preparations, to do with the meat they eat. Vegetables and greenery are often seen as a necessary evil at best. Humans tend to like their meat and sugar rather than the edible greenery available to them due to their taste. It can even be seen as weird to cut meat out of the diet entirely amongst Humans though many learn to tolerate it.

Biological Cycle

Human cycles tend to revolve around historically significant holidays, as a whole. Rather than anything biological, they celebrate these rituals.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans have thrown around numerous systems of government for centuries and now operate under a democratic parliament that liaisons with Orc leaders to work on furthering humanities goals while benefiting their friends. They consist of many different parties that bicker at one another but only two parties really matter: Liberals and Conservatives. Others have their fans but not enough to truly grasp power. The parlement is voted upon by Terran citizens, who elect new representatives of their planet/solar system/chunk of the galaxy.   The main Terran government has smaller parlements that govern a part of a galaxy, which then have parlements for systems underneath them, which have councels for planets underneath them. It's horridly convoluted to get an issue from an individual up the eshalones in this system but it seemed the least insane method of keeping democracy on this scale.   Otherwise, capatalism continues as it always had. The rich float around to their own planet if they can afford it and the poor do the jobs no one else can be bothered with. What else is new? However, due to mechanisation, there is a standard living wage for all citizens that means that all have at least some money coming in if they can't find a job. Work usually nets bigger rewards but because machines do so much work for humans, it's not easy to always find work. Often, it's generated by the individual rather than from a company.


Elves are normally the only ones to domesticate the human being. Typically, they will prefer to take babies and children as their malleable enough to accept the new position. An adult would likely rebel if they had the will to so getting them young helps neuter that. After that, Humans can be rewarding pets or valuable slaves as their natural intelligence is plenty to work with for an owner. They're not very strong so fighting won't help but many elves find it cute to dress their human up in appealing outfits. Elves often find it hard to take a human they don't own seriously. And they'll only listen to the ones they own because they're often trained to say whatever the Elf likes to hear.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Often as labour, volentary or otherwise. Some aggressively carniverous species consider Human quite sweet and tender.

Facial characteristics

Two eyes, a mouth, a nose and decorative hair. They also have two rounded ears at the sides of their heads.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly around Sol, the name of the star Earth orbits. They've spread out and share Orc territory as a huge mass that covers a lot of ground and systems. Terrans travel all over but Humans have been found even in Elvish territories where an ape has been allowed to evolve long enough.

Average Intelligence

Moderate to highly. Humans are industrious and clever. They hold a natural thirst for knowledge and novelty. They plough through research in ways that other races rarely see the point in. That said, it's not outside of the realm of possibility for a human to act irrationally as emotional needs can push them to believe anything if motivated.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have binocular vision, touch, hearing and taste that's not incredibly impressive compared to other species. They sit somewhere in the middle here. Their intelligence does allow them to augment themselves to achieve greater senses with either alterations to their bodies or devices but a human on it's own isn't going to blow many minds.   A human's intelligence and abilities lends themselves to mastery over magical precepts, allowing for mystical or arcane methods of enhancing senses. They enjoy attempting to mix magic with science, perceiving little difference between the two, which can lead to new methods of perception but this is only through application of their knowledge.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Humans actually have a lot of bacteria that live in their bodies to provide benefits to digestion.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

If you're a human, think of all the names that sound normal to you for an idea.

Major Organizations

Parlament is mostly in charge but there's parlaments underneath that and councils underneath them. Political parties like the Liberals and Conservatives exist but not all humans like living there. Some do split off somewhere else but they are numerous and small time.

Average Technological Level

Humanity has achieved space travel through the use of wormholes which lets great distances get travelled very quickly. So, pretty bloody far. Robots, lasers and flying vehicles aren't too hard a stretch from there.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

English is a strangely common language, even to this day. Others exist but mostly, English.


After the 21st Century, energy production had become powerful and efficient enough to propel craft through any atmosphere, capable of pushing vehicles faster and faster. For a few centuries, humans would sleep their way to the stars in order to create colonies on worlds systems away from their home. Some lived for centuries in relative peace, of course not everything went to plan. But when they finally find humanity popping in to look in on their previous projects thanks to ships that can warp spacetime to allow for jumps across space through wormhole gates, they were frankly shocked. Suddenly, they were not the most remote people they new of.   Of course, some of these colonies found 'Orcs', so named after their pig-like appearance and great strength. They had been working on this wormhole technology for a while but hadn't been able to get it to work. Landing humans, thinking that they'd found an empty world to terraform, eventually made friends and offered to lend their knowledge. Together, they created warp gates that connect two points of space together, allowing for nearly instantaneous travel between both points. This collaboration was able to travel back to Earth despite the massive gulf between the two places quickly, presenting this new technology to Humanity, finally allowing them to travel across the stars.   With their new friends, the Orcs, providing knowhow of the galaxy ahead, humans spread out to new worlds.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans generally like Orcs and Orcs like them. They generally get on well due to both finding each other complementary and fun. Both like drinking, both like awesome tech. Many humans get along fine with orcs.   Dwarves a little unsure of humans. Mostly as they're unpredictable. They never just stick to something, always coming up with something new and spiffy rather than just leave well enough alone!   Elves despise Humans. Either they're a pet, a slave or an uppity monkey trying too hard to throw it's weight around. Should be killed or exploited for all they're worth. Just as disgusting as any species in the galaxy.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien
Terrans are from Earth. Some are from other planets equally ideal for Human evolution. Effectively anywhere an ape could live comfortably.
Conservation Status
Terrans are perfectly fine and thriving. Other human variants from similar planets have been made relatively extinct or drastically altered into something else entirely through generations of breeding or experimentation. Any human left in these species has likely been watered down considerably by now.
Average Height
1.6 to 2 meters
Average Physique
Comparatively, unimpressive. They aren't especially strong or agile. While they can learn to become greater in some aspect physically, Humans are normally lauded for their intelligence and wit, not their physical capabilities. An Orc is always stronger. That said, they are hardy. A Human can rival an Orc for endurance and constitution, though an Orc will win out in the end.

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