Varram the Blue Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Varram the Blue

Wrmspeaker Varram Stonecarver (a.k.a. Varram the Blue)

Varram the Blue, born Varram Stonecarver, was a Blue Wyrmspeaker in the Cult of the Dragon during the Great Dragon War. He was captured by the Breadwinners in 1492 while attempting to relocate the stolen Grieve of the Blue Dragon.  


In 1492, Varram was the Blue Wrymspeaker of the Cult of the Dragon, making him one of the group's leaders and the individual responsible for recently reclaimed Greave of the Blue Dragon.   In mid-1492, agents of the Zhentarim infiltrated the Cult of the Dragon and managed to steal the Greave of the Blue Dragon. Horrified at the potential punishment he would face if the theft was discovered, Varram stealthily left his headquarters for the Tomb of Diderius in the Snakehills, by way of Boareskyr Bridge . The tomb was said to contain a magical and powerful divination pool that he could use to locate the stolen greave.   At the Tomb of Diderius, Varram had to sacrifice an attendant to use the pool and located the Greave of the Blue Dragon in Darkhold Keep. However, Varram was shortly captured by Yuan-ti who had made the tomb their home.   Varram was rescued by the Breadwinners, who were dispatched to capture him after Council of Waterdeep spies in Boareskyr Bridge recognized him. The adventurers traded with the Yuan-ti for his release. Varram seemed understanding to be the adventurer's prisoner, knowing that a worse fate awaited him if Don Rel learned that he had lost the Greave of the Blue Dragon.   Varram was handed over to the Blackstaves for interrogation. He was held in captive in Waterdeep for a time before being executed for his crimes in late 1492.
1278 CR 1492 CR 214 years old
Circumstances of Death
Executed in Waterdeep
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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