Stewart XVI Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Stewart XVI


The current Stewart, officially Stewart XVI, is the current head of the Stewarts, a family of tieflings from Saltmarsh. As the family's patriarch, he is also the head of the family business: Stewart and Sons Sanitation.


Stewart was born in 1442, the son of Stewart XV.   By 1496, Stewart had become the family patriarch and head of Stewart and Sons Sanitation. Following Saltmarsh's joining of the Dunwater Alliance, Stewart began training with the Mariners and Neverwinter Guard.   On the 28th of Elient, 1496, Stewart fought in the Battle of the Spire on board the Big Nauti while the Heroes of Saltmarsh infiltrated the Javan River Spire.   When Stewart and the other Marshers returned home, they discovered that Anders Solmor had been arrested by the B-Team, following the discovery of his connection to the assassin and saboteur Bo Latarn. To replace the empty seat, Stewart ran on the council, but was beaten by Necian Arrzen.   Stewart managed to survive the events of the Banesmark Crisis and continued supply Saltmarsh with all of its sanitation needs.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1442 CR 56 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by James' RPG Art
Character Portrait image: by Harris


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