Seaton Temple of Bane Building / Landmark in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Seaton Temple of Bane

The Seaton Temple of Bane is a nearly buried temple located in the in the Lower Quarter of Seaton, the city more commonly known as the Styes.   Like many of the dwellings of the Styes' Lower Quarter, the temple sat abandoned during the city's decay until it was rediscovered by the aboleth S'gothgah in 1493. S'gothgah turned the temple into his headquarters in the region, utilizing its lower-than-sea level position to provide easy access to the ocean.   During the Banesmark Crisis, the lower depths of the temple was the home and arguable nursery for a young kraken that S'gothgah was grooming to become an Avatar of Bane. The kraken very rarely left its home, as the bottom of the temple was also the location of the Feast of Corruption, a forbidden ritual that harnasses the fear and despair in an area to accelerate the growth of a creature within, though this version of the Feast was enhanced to include most of the northern Sword Coast.   On the 29th of Nightal, 1496, the Seaton Temple of Bane was raided by the Heroes of Saltmarsh, seeking to put an end to S'gothgah's schemes. However, the aboleth escaped while the Heroes faced off against its mind-controlled minions, which included Lyra's mentor Brenvark Coldscar and Micah Pierce's brother Pallu. Together, the aboleth and the kraken fled, the latter of which dragging the Feast of Corruption with it in its tentacles to attack the Neveren Trade Fleet.   Since the kraken's death at the hands of the Heroes of Saltmarsh and S'gothgah's defeat later that day, the temple has once again sat abandoned and forgotten.
Alternative Names
Lamp's Shadow
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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