Emerald Enclave Organization in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Emerald Enclave

The Emerald Enclave is a collection of druids and other nature worshipers that operate throughout Faerun. The actions of the Enclave influenced the lives of the high and low, its members avoiding good and evil to focus on the needs of the natural world and resist the growing influence of humankind. Despite their primary goal of preserving nature, members were not direct opponents of progress; they preferred instead to work with civilized folk to promote the health of the natural world without resorting to acts of violence.


The Emerald Enclave was split into a variety of circles, each one encompassing their own area of expertise. As a recruit to the Enclave moved up in the ranks, they were expected to begin choosing a specialty to focus on. This was exemplified by the three highest circles most members join. The Eldath Circle focused on sailing the waterways of Faerun, searching for knowledge and secrets beneath the waves that would benefit the Enclave. The Circle of Alluvium walked the lands of Faerun, observing for any unnatural forces that need to be put down and ensuring there is a peaceful existence between civilizations and the wilderness. Lastly, the Planar Circle, pledged to watch for the most unnatural forces beyond the Prime Material Plane. Many never return to the Material Plane, but send word through other means while they keep their vigilance.   At the head of the organization is the Elder Circle, of which there are only three members. Very few have met the members of the Elder Circle, though stories about them are abundant, from their supposed immunity to mind control or divination to their practical immortality.

Public Agenda

All of the Emerald Enclave's members live by six tenants:
  • Preserve nature in all its forms
  • Control humanoid expansion
  • Recognize that nature encompassed more than just forests
  • Agree that magic should not be used for mass destruction
  • Warn against the use of magic on a grand scale for fear of unexpected side effects
  • Present a united front to the outside world.


The Emerald Enclave was found in the 4th century DR, as various people across Faerun grew worried by the constant advance of technology.   The Emerald Enclave were represented on the Council of Waterdeep by Delaan Winterhound as active participants in the Great Dragon War.


Though the Emerald Enclave does not possess a standing military, the majority of its members possess at least some amount of magical or physical strength. As such, the organization can muster its various members in the rare event of needing to face a threat with direct military intervention.
Founding Date
374 DR
Druidic Circle
Character flag image: by Wizards of the Coast


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