Iapetus Geographic Location in The Surrey | World Anvil
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Iapetus is the third largest moon of Saturn with a large settlement population on it. There is a station orbiting the moon, and there is a Helium-3 refinery on the surface. Iapetus is heavily cratered and its overall shape is neither spherical nor ellipsoid, but has a bulging waistline from its unique equatorial ridge and squashed poles. The moon's low density is due to bring mostly composed of ice, with only a small (~20%) amount of rocky materials. Lights glitter on the surface of the moon, marking automated stations where ice is quarried and split.[3] The orbit of Iapetus is somewhat unusual in that it orbits much farther from Saturn than the next closest major moon, Titan. and also has the most inclined orbital plane of the regular satellites. Because of this Iapetus is the only large moon from which the rings of Saturn are clearly visible.


Orbit3,560,000 km
Diameter1490 km
Gravity2mg (negligable)
Day Lengthsynchronous
Year Length79.3 days
Atmospheric PressureNone
Atmospheric CompositionNone
Planetoid / Moon
Location under
Included Locations


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