Adilian Adventurer Association Organization in The Sundering | World Anvil

Adilian Adventurer Association

The Ardilian Adventurer Association is an organization with the goal of bringing order to the chaos of an adventurer city. It also acts as an intermediary between the quest giver and the adventurer in area of paying out rewards, both to provide accountability for adventurers who have cheated many desperate people in the past and for the quest givers who have tried to take advantage of the inexperience of new adventurers.
Adventurers in this guild are given dog-tag-like plates of the metal of their rank, starting with copper at the lowest rank and ending with an Adamantite plate at the highest rank.

Notable Adventuring groups of the present day are:
Voice of the Night - Orichalcum Ranked Group from Shadowsteppers
Battlepikes - Orichalcum Ranked Group from Fists First
Rage of Hope - Adamantite Ranked Group from Valiant's Lightguard
Hallowshade - Adamantite Ranked Group from Black Arrow
Mental Chaos - Orichalcum Ranked Group, said to be talented mentalists.
Twinblades - Mithril Ranked Group comprised of only two members both sword users.


The Organization is set up in such a way to gauge each adventurer into 8 different ranks based on abillity. The ranks in order of lowest to highest are:
Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Mithril, Orichalcum, and Adamantite

  It is belived by many that the highest rank a normal person with no innate talent can reach within their lifetime is the rank of Gold, any farther requires significant talent for the adventuring lifestyle. Those who can reach Orichalcum and beyond are said to reside within the realm of heroes where no normal person can hope to tread.

Public Agenda

The purpose of the AAA was to cut down on the number of foolish deaths from low-ranked adventurers biting off more than they can chew. The Guild just wishes to provide an order to the chaos of the adventuring system through rules and regulations.
Due to the influence of the Church of the Mother Adia Adventurers are not allowed to provide magical healing without compensation of a set amount based on the spell being cast or potion being used.


The guild itself has money made from managing adventure rewards as they charge a 20% service fee, all funds gathered this way are used for paying of guild staff and the maintenance of guild facilities which include but are not limited to:
guild-affiliated inns, item vaults and the items within, guild meeting halls, the billboards around Ardil, and the record vault.


In 50PreS the AAA was founded to reduce low-ranked adventurer deaths, it quickly seemed to be succeeding in that goal as deaths for adventurers of Copper and Iron ranks seemed to plummet drastically.
In 27PreS the first Adamantite ranked adventurer team formed, Men of Defiance.
In 1AS the AAA began working to help those who were harmed by the Great Sundering.

To Each, Their Own Path

Founding Date
50 PreS
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Ardill's Adventurers' guild, The AAA
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles

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