Potavoli Settlement in The Soul Forge | World Anvil
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Potavoli is like an orange that has been left too long. On the outside it is pretty and shining. The great mansions, the elegant nobles and merchants, the ships and commerce. But underneath all that is a rotten core. Slavery, greed, the abuse by those in power. One day I will earn my freedom and crawl out of the rot to the shiny surface.
— Benino, House de Filago slave


Species Population
Humans 94%
Dwarves 3%
Halflings 1%
Elves 1%
Other races1%


Humans make up the majority of the population of Potavoli. Approximately a third of them are slaves working for the various noble houses and well to do merchants. Another third are laborers and craftsmen. The last third are merchants and nobles.
All dream of climbing the social ladder. The slaves dream of earning their freedom and working for themselves. The laborers and craftsmen dream of earning enough money to become mechants. The merchants want to become nobles, and the nobles want to increase their status among the other nobles.
Most humans in Potavoli are not really racist, but almost everyone, from slave to noble, consider Potavoli to be the greatest city in the world. Foreigners are viewed as naturally inferior regardless of race. Special hatred is reserved for the long time rivals from Trierre who while welcome in the city are viewed with suspicion.


The dwarves of Potavoli are descendants of a group of dwarves that fled the invasion of their holds during the Jagged Crown Wars. The elders who arrived with the first group of refugees knew well how the Great Houses did business from earlier trade dealings and managed to negotiate a good deal, securing dwarven independence and freedom. The contingent of dwarf warriors who accompanied the refugees also helped.
The current dwarven population consists of several clans. Premier among them is Clan Stoneanvil who are the descendants of a dwarven royal clan. When there are issues that concern all the dwarves of Potavoli it is representatives from Stoneanvil who deal with the other inhabitants of Potavoli. Internally the dwarves are guided by a council of elders, one from each clan. Appointment to this council is based on merit, not age, and is considered a great honor.


The halfling population of Potavoli changes constantly as befits their nature. While the number of halflings is fairly constant at around 500, only around 150 of them can be considered true citizens with a permanent residence. The identities of the rest shift as one group leaves and another arrives, traveling along either of the Voli rivers or the trade routes running north and south.
The halflings have no formal organization or elected leaders but somehow everyone seems to know where they fit in and newly arrived groups always go directly to recently vacated campsites or empty houses. When a formal representative is needed one of the halflings with permanent residence always steps forward, but it is rarely the same one and no actual election is held. Still all the halflings seems content to follow whatever agreements this representative makes


Most of the elves of Potavoli are wood elves that arrived only a short time ago as refugees from the orc invasion of the Golden Pine Forest. When they first arrived they were given food and places to stay in return for work. While the houses and food were simple and the work was hard, they were content, confident they would soon return home when the empire helped drive the orcs away. Then the empire began collapsed and everything changed. The hope of going home soon was dashed and when slavery returned to Potavoli the elves were some of the first to be forced into it.
Today most elves are slaves working as servants, cooks, gardeners or worse. A few elves were present in the city before the refugees arrived and a few managed to establish themselves as craftsmen or merchants before the return of slavery. Both groups managed to stay free and today try help their enslaved brethren. Dissent is brewing among especially the younger elves, but they are too few to do much themselves.

Other races

The number of half-elves in Potavoli has been rising since the arrival of the elven refugees. Many are the product of dalliances by nobles and well to do merchants, but are slaves just like their unwilling mothers. Some have been abandoned to the streets and have managed to survive as thieves and vagabonds.
Potavoli is also home to a number of tieflings. Most are born to human parents who try to hide the fact by discreetly leaving them at orphanages or isolating them in the house. The few tieflings who have managed overcome this rough start in life and make a name for themselves are considered good examples of how anybody can rise to the top in Potavoli.
Gnomes sometimes visit the city, but they are so rare that most consider them tall halflings. Other races are just as rare and generally seen as curiosities. Unscrupulous merchants sometimes try to trick them into deals that end with these rare visitors being enslaved and paraded around as entertainment at parties.


Potavoli is officially ruled by the Grand Duke Adovardo Fiaschi. This position was created by The Empire following a failed rebellion by the now destroyed Caldogne family, and awarded to Adovardo's ancestor in recognition of the help they gave in crushing the rebellion. Since the fall of the empire the true rulers of the city have been the great families; Spari, Aboresi , de Filago , Malatesta, and until recently Castellano. A representative from each family sits on the Lords Council where all important decisions are made, with the Grand Duke acting as a figure head for the council.


The city is surrounded by a 12 meter tall and 3 meter thick stone wall, with 18 meter tall towers placed at regular intervals. Three gates allow entry into the city by land. Each gatehouse is 18 meters tall and 6 meters deep with contain two separately operated portcullises as well as a reinforced wooden gate on the city side. The gatehouse placed on the river road also doubles as a gatehouse for the entry of the Greater Voli river into the city. The river can be blocked by two separate portcullises. The gates are normally kept open at all times with a group of 6 guards keeping the peace at each.
The Lesser Voli river enters the city through the base of one of the towers. The roof of this tunnel is barely 1 meter above the water level a low tide and the tunnel itself is always blocked by a lowered portcullis. The tunnel is usually guarded by a single pair of guards from small shack on the city side.

The city only has a small garrison of city guards and watchmen. They man the gates and patrol the city keeping the peace. If a serious threat to the city should arise they would be hard pressed to man the city wall. Should such a threat come, the personal guards of the different noble houses are expected to be pressed into service to help defend the city.

The sea side approach is guarded mainly by the Duke's fortress, situated on a cliff on the island furthest away from the shore. A large and well equipped navy also helps deter any attacks from the sea. In times of peace the navy patrols the coast, protecting merchants from pirates and keeping watch for any threats from below the waves.

Industry & Trade

The five Great Houses have claimed and then divided most of the very profitable industries between them, leaving the lesser nobles and other industrious persons two options; work for one of the Great Houses or find less profitable areas to work in.
Despite this the city is home to a large number of merchants who make money by selling the goods produced in the city in far away lands and bringing back interesting goods to sell in the markets of Potavoli. The biggest exports from the city are olives and olive oil, citrus fruits, silver jewelry, and horses.


The City of Potavoli was founded more than 900 years ago as a small fishing village where the two Voli rivers meet. The village grew quickly due to its location and soon became a hub for trade going up and down the coast as well as inland along the rivers.
Over time a number of merchant houses rose to power in the city, competing with each other until a conflict between two groupings saw one of the groupings leave the city and travel south where they eventually founded the rival city of Trierre.
The strongest remaining merchant houses formed the Great Houses and ruled the city until it was conquered by the Graslendi Empire in 72 GE.


The city is built on the delta created where the Greater and Lesser Voli rivers meet before they enter the sea. A large part of the city is built on the islands of the delta. Over the years the islands have been changed and expanded to better guard against storms and the tides. The original banks of both the islands and the shore have been reinforced and raised using timber and masonry, bringing the ground level well above the water's surface. This has created a series of canals that are used just as much for transport as the roads. Sand and silt brought by the tides as well as downstream by the two rivers constantly threatens to clog these canals and gives rise to a number of small uninhabited islands. The shallow canals along with the bridges used to cross between the islands means that ships need to dock at the outer islands. Goods are then transported to various points around the city using barges and small boats. Boats arriving or leaving along the rivers are likewise required to dock at the inner harbor and then load or distribute their goods from there.


Islands & Districts

Tower Island

In the central square of the island stands the ruins of an old mages tower. Stories tell that when the fishing village that would grow into Potavoli was first settled the tower had already been abandoned but was otherwise intact. The centuries since have caused whatever magic kept it from decaying to fade and worn away at the structure itself. At some point the tower collapsed in on itself leaving only the lowest three levels standing relatively whole. The ruins still carry a reputation of mystery and danger. Every so often someone claims to have seen strange mage-lights floating around the ruins or to have heard whisperings in an arcane language. This has not kept the residents of the city from carting away most of the rubble to use in various buildings.

The island is mostly home to various smaller shops, taverns, and workshops. Twice a month when The Sister is full a market is held in the square around the tower ruins from sun down to sunrise. The “merchants” who attend these markets don’t own a regular shop and the wares offered are always of a more mystical nature such as amulets that supposedly ward of curses, dubious potions of love or longevity, and trinkets with fantastical properties.


Swan Island

Originally known as Caldogne Island due to the presence of the great family Caldogne’s mansion on the island, it was renamed after the failed rebellion by the same family in 121 GE. The Empire tore down the villa creating an open square where they then built a large fountain decorated with swans. The people of the city quickly started to call the island Swan Island instead. The fountain itself is powered by simple magic that keeps the fountain filled and the water circulating.

Across from the fountain square visitors can find the city’s temple to the God of Wealth and Merchants, XXX. The temple is a large opulent building with several fine marble statues with gold trimming located in niches around the outside. The statues are protected by spells preventing theft or vandalism. The inside is just as fine with the center piece being a large marble alter inlaid with several large gemstones. Several priests in fine robes staff the temple during the day, while guards in fine armor protect the temple during all hours.

The inhabitants of the island are mostly minor nobles and wealthy merchants. The shops on the island sell mainly luxury wares such as dresses in the latest fashion and exotic imports, while the two inns on the island provide opulent accommodations for those with enough money. Several finer taverns and wine houses are also located on the island and are used for informal gatherings, important business meetings, and seedier affairs.


The Sea God’s Island

This small island has only a single building, a large temple dedicated to the God of the Sea, who is locally known as Mareti. The temple is visited often by inhabitants of the city who typically leave offerings of fruit and grain. Some people also leave small hand carved figurines representing a person who is away on a longer trip at sea, asking the God to take the figurine and leave the person alone.

The temple is staffed by a small number of priest, most of whom are sailors retired due to old age or injuries. Services are held each Godsday which include a short sermon followed by the handing out of food, mainly fish, to the poor. The priests are also often called upon to bless ships before longer voyages. Part of the temple is home to widows of sailors lost at sea, calling themselves Wavebrides. They are allowed to stay at the temple in return for helping to keep it clean and making food. A few of the Wavebrides are young women who have never been married, but instead felt a calling and “married the sea”. The leader of the temple is always one of these Wavebrides.


Duke’s Island

As the name implies this island is home to the ducal palace. The palace itself sits on top of a small rocky hill on the western side of the island, raising it about 15 meters above the rest. This vantage provides an excellent view of both the Azure Sea to the south and Potavoli itself. It also provides a good point from which to defend the seaward access to city, with a number of towers each fitted with a powerful ballista. Access to the palaces is via a winding road along the eastern face of the hill which also adds to the defensiveness of the palace.

The eastern side of the island is the site of a large military complex used by both the city guard and the navy. The complex contains barracks for both groups as well as training grounds, stables, forges, and stores with enough food for at least one month. The north shore of the island has a number for piers where the navy ships dock.


Aboresi Island

Located where the Greater Voli River enters the river delta this island is the site of one half of the city’s inner harbor. In addition to warehouses used for temporary storage of goods before they are transported to other parts of the city, the docks area also has a dry dock for repairing river boats. The few taverns that are located near the docks are frequented mainly by riverboat captains and small time merchants hoping to make a good deal on recently arrived goods. Riverboat crew and other rowdier types are asked to take their business to the taverns on the other side of the channel.

The Aboresi mansion is located centrally on the island right by the square that houses the city’s vegetable and fruit market. On the opposite side of this square one can find the Orangery, a recently opened tavern specializing in non-fermented fruit juice drinks that are especially popular with a lot of the wealthier women of the city. The tavern has quickly become the central hub for social gossip in the city.


de Filago Island

Two-thirds of the non-dwarven smiths in the city have their workshops on this island. The constant ring of hammers on metal fill the air as they produce tools, weapons, and armor. The largest workshop is located directly beside the de Filago mansion, and is operated by the family. The prices are slightly higher than in other smithies on the island, but the quality is also better. The presence of so many smithies means that a constant haze on smoke lies over the island.

The island is also the location of one of the most famous taverns in the city; The Imperial Swords. In addition to serving good quality food and drinks, the tavern also hosts the only sanctioned fighting arena in Potavoli. The arena is a large cordoned off, circular area located centrally in the building. The tables closest to the edge have an excellent view of the fights and are often reserved well in advance. Several nights a week the owner of the tavern, Corrado Fioravanti, arranges different competitions in the arena, ranging from simple boxing-matches to tag-team skirmishes with full arms and armor. The participants are all volunteers fighting to earn prize money put up by Corrado. On nights when there are no scheduled fights, brawls often break out between bored and drunk patrons. These are allowed to continue as long as they don’t break too much of the furniture.


Malatesta Island

Compared to the other islands of the city, this one seems oddly quite. The main reason for this is the lack of a central market square or any kind of taverns. The shops on the island sell a variety of things, but goods related to scholarly pursuits are particularly common. These include book stores, herbalists, and map-makers. The residences of the minor nobles and wealthy merchants that make their home on the island are generally less ostentatious than in the rest of Potavoli. A few are not actual noble’s manors at all, but rather fronts for discreet high-class brothels.

Apart from the villa of the island’s namesake family, the most prominent building on the island is the Library of Potavoli. Established in 461 AtB by Gherardo Malatesta as a gift to the city it holds a large collection of books that are accessible to all free residents of Potavoli as well as visitors that have been vouched for by one of the Great Families. By law the books are not allowed to leave the library and anyone caught stealing one will be punished harshly.


Spari Island

The central square of this island is the location of the city’s meat and fish market. Rather than featuring open stalls like the other markets, the square is ringed by small shops. Beside the entrances to each shop a chalkboards show what is on offer on each day. The square itself has a number of fenced enclosures where livestock is brought to be sold. Once a month the livestock are replaced by people and the square is the site of the city slave auction.

The Spari villa is located on the southern side of the island with a view of the sea. The grounds include a large stable and a small field where a few animals graze. Close by, also overlooking the sea, are three small buildings known as the Ice Houses. These warehouses are owned by the Spari family and use magic to keep the interior cold at all times. Space in two of the buildings is rented out in small portions at a reasonable price. The last building is used exclusively by the family itself. Various rumors circulate about what it is used for ranging from the storage of bodies of people killed by a murderous son to being the site of extravagant parties in a snowy landscape.


Castellano Island

Most of the buildings on this island are finer than the ones found in other parts of the city, outdoing even Swan Island. They have more decorations and seem to be of a better quality and in better repair. This has made living on the island, especially on the seaward side, very desirable. The Castellano family has used this through the centuries to broker deals and secure support by allowing favored allies to buy houses on the island or simply building new ones if needed. As a result there are very few shops and only three taverns left on the island.

One building that has been spared the Castellano family’s entrepreneurial dealings houses the oldest theater in the city, The Grinning Imp. An elderly half-elf, Andrea Ziani has been running the theater for as long as anybody in the city can remember. Many different types of plays are put on, but the most popular the recent years have been satirical comedies mocking the great families and others in power. This has angered many influential people but Andrea claims to not know who the author is and that the manuscripts simply show up from time to time.


Trade Gate District


River Gate District


East Gate District


The Floating Docks


The Sprawl


  • The City State of Potavoli
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Characters in Location

Articles under Potavoli

After the Banishing

0 IE 692 AtB

The Avatars of the Gods are banished leaving the mortals to once again rebuild.

  • 18 AtB

    Village founded

    The small fishing village that would grow into Potavoli is founded

  • 97 AtB

    The Merchant Scism
    Political event

    Amid conflict the Families are founded

  • 122 AtB

    Caldogne family destroyed
    Military action

    After a failed rebellion against The Empire, the Caldogne family is destroyed

  • 359 AtB

    Barberan family destroyed
    Political event

    The Barberan family is destroyed by the other families due to accusations of treason


Graslendi Imperial Era

693 AtB and beyond

The Graslendi Empire is founded

  • 72 GE

    City conquered by the Graslendi Empire
    Military action

    After years of resistance the city is finally conquered



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