automar Vehicle in The Sora | World Anvil


An automar (also known as an engine ship) is a waterborne vessel that is propelled by the power of an elemental engine. Automars come in three main varieties, based off their method of propulsion: oar, fin, and propeller. Oar automars have a row of oars which are attached to automatic rowers, pushing the ship forward. This style is popular on rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water without wind, as in the event the engine does not work, manual power can be used to propel the ship. Fin ships use one or more large, fin-like paddle attached to the rear of the vessel which are waved through the water like the tail fin of a fish. One or more smaller fins may be attached to the sides and front to provide better maneuverability. This enhanced maneuverability is the primary benefit of fin automars. Finally, propeller automars use large propellers to push the ship through the water. These tend to be the fastest and most versatile automars, able to operate in the most conditions. Both fin and propeller automars tend to have sails as backups in the event of engine failure.   Automars tend to be very popular on more advanced worlds, but the cost of elemental fuel often makes them affordable only for the wealthy, guilds, or other large groups. Sailing and rowing vessels remain popular on less advanced realms and continue to see use by individuals and smaller groups all across the Sora.

Cover image: by Denis Khusainov


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