Augustus Frederick Character in The Solas Chronicles | World Anvil
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Augustus Frederick

Field Marshall Augustus Frederick

Field Marshall Augustus Frederick is the most senior rank in the Jovian Space Force. He has been in charge since the end of the Trojan Wars in 2248 and has been at the head of the Jovian Space Force during a time of relative peace. He is a member of a highly respected political family, but despite his connections and his military career; he is not known for his strategic thinking and tactical expertise.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Augustus is a tall, well-built man in his late sixties. He has grey hair and blue eyes. He is an imposing figure, and he uses his physicality to intimidate.

Facial Features

Augustus has a square jaw and a long face. His eyes are small and beady, and his jowls are heavy. He has a grey military moustache and a recent hair transplant, giving his full head of hair a two-tone effect.

Identifying Characteristics

Augustus is a highly decorated officer, and he wears his medals on his uniform. He also has a distinctive birthmark on his right hand.

Physical quirks

Augustus has a number of physical quirks, including a slight limp and a tendency to slouch. He is also left-handed.

Special abilities

Augustus is an expert marksman.

Apparel & Accessories

Augustus typically wears a military uniform, complete with medals and insignia. He also wears a number of rings, including his wedding ring.

Specialized Equipment

Augustus has a number of specialised items in his office, including a military-grade computer and a secure Quantum Communications system. He also has a collection of firearms, which he keeps in a locked cabinet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Augustus Frederick was born in 2187, the middle child of three. His father, Henry, was a well-connected politician who had served as a senator and governor. His mother, Olivia, was from a wealthy family who had made their fortune in the mining industry. Augustus was raised in privilege and attended the best schools. He excelled at his studies and was popular with his peers.   Augustus' older sister, Arabella, married a prominent diplomat and moved to Saturn. His younger brother, Rupert, followed in their father's footsteps and entered politics. Augustus chose to pursue a military career. He attended the Jovian Military Academy and graduated with honours.


Augustus is bisexual and is known to have had affairs with both men and women.


Augustus attended the best schools money could buy. He excelled at his studies and was popular with his peers.


Field Marshall Augustus Frederick is the most senior rank in the Jovian Space Force. He has been in charge since the end of the Trojan Wars in 2248 and has been at the head of the Jovian Space Force during a time of relative peace. He is a member of a highly respected political family, but despite his connections and his military career; he is not known for his strategic thinking and tactical expertise.   Augustus has served in the Jovian Space Force for over 40 years. He was promoted to Field Marshall after the previous incumbent died of heart failure (although there were some suspicions of assassination, this was never proven). Augustus is a competent manager, but he is not known for his tactical or strategic brilliance. He has served during a time of peace, and his main contribution has been to expand the budget of the Jovian Space Force.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Augustus is a highly decorated officer. He has been awarded the Jovian Medal of Honor, the Callistoan Medal of Valour, and the Trojan Medal of Honor. He has also been made a Knight of the Order of Jupiter. Many of these achievements were gained through his connections, or returned favours for his many corruptions.

Failures & Embarrassments

Augustus' career and personal life is littered with failures and embarrassments. He is a man who has always failed upwards, and each scandal or blunder led to a coverup, a favour called in, and an eventual transfer or promotion.   The most notable of these was the incident where he was caught in an affair with a subordinate, which resulted in a public divorce from his wife and a long period of estrangement from his children.

Mental Trauma

Augustus is a man who has seen and done things that have left him with mental scars. He is a highly decorated officer, but many of his awards were given for political reasons rather than military achievements. He is a man who is haunted by his greed, envy, and vices.

Intellectual Characteristics

Augustus is not a particularly intelligent man, but he is street-smart and cunning. He is good at reading people and playing them off against each other. He is also good at charming his way out of difficult situations.

Morality & Philosophy

Augustus is a man with no moral compass. He is amoral and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He is a ruthless opportunist who will stop at nothing to advance his career.


Augustus has no taboos. He is a man who is willing to do anything and everything, no matter how reprehensible, in order to either get ahead or clean up his mistakes.

Personality Characteristics


Augustus is motivated by wealth and vanity. He is a corrupt and power-hungry man who will stop at nothing to advance his career.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Augustus is savvy in the ways of military command and politics. He is inept in matters of personal relationships and morality.

Likes & Dislikes

Augustus likes wealth, power, and luxury. He dislikes poverty, weakness, and honesty.

Virtues & Personality perks

Augustus is ambitious, charismatic, and resourceful. His flaws include being corrupt, manipulative, and selfish.

Vices & Personality flaws

Augustus is addicted to power and corruption. He is also paranoid, narcissistic, and sadistic.

Personality Quirks

Augustus has a number of ticks and quirks, including tapping his fingers when he is thinking, playing with his wedding ring when he is nervous, and fidgeting with his medals when he is agitated


Augustus takes great care in his personal appearance. He has a daily routine that includes showering, shaving, and using cologne. He also has his clothes dry-cleaned and pressed on a regular basis.


Contacts & Relations

Augustus has a wide network of contacts, including politicians, military commanders, and business leaders. He also has a number of relations, including his ex-wives and adult children.   He is a popular figure within the Jovian Elite. He is known for his affability and his love of a good party. He is also known for his many affairs, both before and during his marriage. Augustus is currently married to Helena, the daughter of a wealthy businessman. They have two children, Alexander and Sophia.

Family Ties

Augustus is married to his third wife, with whom he shares two children. His wife is from a wealthy family, and his children are attending prestigious schools.

Religious Views

Augustus portrays himself as a devout Christian, but his actions suggest otherwise.

Social Aptitude

Augustus is a skilled politician and negotiator. He is also an expert at schmoozing and networking.


Augustus has a number of mannerisms, including using people's titles and speaking in a commanding tone.

Hobbies & Pets

His hobbies include shooting, corvette racing, and ice fishing on Europa.


Augustus speaks in a clear, concise manner. He is an expert at rhetoric and persuasion.

Wealth & Financial state

Augustus is a wealthy man. He has a significant amount of money in his bank account, as well as a number of valuable assets.
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm no crook, but I know one when I see one."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by MidJourney


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