Namma Character in The Skylands of Ormund | World Anvil
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The God of Life (a.k.a. Father)

"It was through Namma's sheer good will that we survived whatever cataclysm separated us from the earth below. He nearly sacrificed himself to save us, and to this day it is said He dedicates vast amounts of his power to keep the Skylands afloat." -Grand Priest of Life, Pious Aganam   Namma is the God of Life. Every creature that exists breathes because He has willed it. His council of Druids are what became the Titans, beings of vast power and his mouthpieces in the Skylands.

Divine Domains

The Afterlife


Life Day is celebrated on the 20th of Deccum, in honor of Namma. Presents are gifted to one another and Tinder Klaus the fey creature is said to go from door to door leaving presents of opulence to good people.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Seeks to grant the gift of Life to all creatures, often butting heads with Amrah, Goddess of Death, over the fates of even the smallest of creatures.
Namma, much like the other Gods Kronis and Amrah, is shapeless and formless. He is omnipresent and cannot be comprehended by mere mortals.
Divine Classification

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