12 - The Assassin's Guild HQ Report in The Six Kingdoms of Aeduin | World Anvil

12 - The Assassin's Guild HQ

General Summary

20thof June, 3598 AA Cont.

We go to dragon cave and meet the 'contact' Avalon. Avalon will try and get word out to see who fucked the job up so badly, can get it in the morning. We can stay in a room to rent for the night. The law doesn't matter here.

The underground place is a small village. There is a back door with a key that we can use. Noth east corridor. They will have to ask the Silence to get us the key - the founder. Avalon made note that we arrived with the baby of Malvarma. There is a ghostly tiefling lady called Emily taking care of the Mum. The nest and eggs in the maze had been stolen. A dude reveals that he cut his leg off to get through the last riddle.

Inari goes back to get the other dragon egg, and carefully gives it back to the mum. The tiefling lady thanks her and explains that she died years ago from drowning in this very place, and now takes care of the dragon. The dragon's babies get sold to companions who might do them justice, and the mother decides if the person is worthy. Inari is approved by the mother to take Betty, but the cost is 1000 gold.

Avalon sends them over to the noticeboard to see on some assassinations. Inari notices that the King is mentioned many times. Snorri notices that one of the names is for a monk from his past. Norman Lestat - they were not a positive influence on the world. He is wanted for abusing child. The price for him is 1500 GP. The guy who made the post was another guy from the monastery, Inari and Silas are not keen on assassinations. Inari rejects the offer and the tiefling lady looks pissed for a second, teeth sharpening, before controlling her features.

A group of people walk in and Snorri thinks he recognises one of them: young human man, average. He goes over to hug them. He recognises Snorri and draws out his dagger 'what are you doing here'. Snorri recognises him as one of the patrons of the tavern, from the very start. Andrew White. He was the one who tried to assassinate the king? Yeah he fucking was. Inari slams him to the floor. There's lots of reasons why people want the King dead.

Inari steals 500 gold off him, with the promise to repay. And humiliates him in front of the whole room of assassins. Snorri gets violent. Inari makes a deal with Emily: 500 gold now, 620 gold to pay with no time limit. Inari gets the dragon. She will get Betty tomorrow morning, after a ritual has been done. During the night Inari will automatically learn the basics about how to take care of this baby. She does!

Sargoria is attempted to be suffocated during the night, but she wakes up and scares him off. Inari hears and goes to check to her but gets...permanently trapped in a bear trap that Sargoria left at her door. Silas is awoken because of the noise, and somehow between them Inari is released. Inari claims she did not see where the 'attacker' went. Confrontation goes down between Sargoria, Inari and Malverna. Inari disappears.

The Party's Adventures
Report Date
21 Apr 2021
Primary Location

Characters Present
Inari Sheawyn
Silas Knave

Characters Absent

Objectives Completed
  • Find out who the assassin in Ravensford was
  • Apprehend the assassin
  • Return the baby wyrmling to its mother
Rewards Granted
  • Betty
  • 500gp
Characters Interacted With


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