10 - Journey to Westcliff Castle Report in The Six Kingdoms of Aeduin | World Anvil

10 - Journey to Westcliff Castle

General Summary

18thof June, 3598 AA Cont.

Apple appears! We catch them up on everything that's happened and discuss our next move. We decide to ride to KlaĆ­os (where The Merchant's Diary said that he had moved The Machine to). While in the tavern an elf lady walks in. Apple remembers her as the bartender called Eryn from the very beginning. She says she has found her contact, and gone through a lot to clear their names through The Silence - mercenaries that know who would want to kill the king or not. We have to meet her on the road to Westcliff at midnight. Inari visits Lara and helps her make brownies and then goes to the temple. Checks on the children and a lady informs her that they are building an orphanage to help.

The party goes to the road and finds Eryn there. She takes us to a tiny village on the way where we stay the night.  

19th of June, 3598 AA

In the morning, three brutes with three beasts turn up and start burning a building. Inari saves the donkey inside and they engage in a fight. One of the boys go down but Inari threatens the second on and they choose to surrender instead. They are actually just thugs who have parents in Fairvein and show to me actually upset at their actions. The remaining two run back to Fairvein.

The Party's Adventures
Report Date
21 Apr 2021

Characters Present
Inari Sheawyn
Silas Knave

Objectives Completed
  • Follow Eryn to Westcliff
  • Save a burning village
Rewards Granted
  • None
Characters Interacted With


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