Petricalifax Character in The Shattered World | World Anvil
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Petricalifax is old enough to remember The Cataclysm.   She was alive then, and saw the Gods' War was going to destroy much of the world, and the people in it. While the gods should have gathered up the souls of the faithful, Petricalifax had a vision of the gods withdrawing, leaving the world and removing the world's connection to the planes of the dead.   So, she set to do something about it.   Quietly, and secretly, she gathered peoples of the world, snatching them away from their deaths, and putting them to sleep deep under her mountain. Then, when the war was at it's peak, nearly done, she cast a spell to halt the flow of time, and waited for it to fade away, hopefully in a better place.   When she awoke, her mountain had become The Scepter. Three other islands were close enough that the she could fly through the Aether and connect them with her magic. Those were Coyne, Korre and Baobob.   She made her lair on the top of her mountain, now the pommel of the scepter, and began waking the people of the world.   She is benevolent, autocratic and, thankfully, has little desire to rule. She has few rules that she enforces on the Haven Alliance   1) Everyone has a right to live 2) Everybody eats 3) Everybody has a place to live   Violators of these rules will (and have been) eaten. She chooses to preserve the sentient life of the world. Anything that threatens that, she will fight.         She has Allegiances to both Law and Good, and is one of the few remaining sentients that remembers the Cataclysm.
Year of Birth
1000 BA 1312 Years old
Dark with golden sparkles
Ruled Locations

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