The Silver Nails Organization in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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The Silver Nails

A company of Severosi mercenaries who fought for the Empire in the Unity War. Renowned ghost killers.
Tier: III
Hold: Strong [1]: 282
Turf: A large inn (The Mustang) and its fine stables (HQ).
Characters: Seresh (Leader, bold, brash, defiant). Tuhan (lead scout, bold, cunning, charming).
Notable Assets: A contingent of exquisite Severosian Cavalry Horses—fearless, swift, and trained to hunt and battle spirits. Arcane lances.
Quirks: Each member wears a ring fashioned from a silver nail, which protects against possession. They’re trained in the Ghost Fighter special ability (Cutter). [1]: 295

[1] Harper, J., Acimovic, S., Nitter, S., Arden, V., Figueroa, D., Green, D., Nittner, D., & Shields, A. (2017). Blades in the Dark (v8.2). Evil Hat Productions.

Diplomacy Diagram not available


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Category: Factions
Military, Mercenary Group

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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper
Character flag image: The Silver Nails Symbol by Randall Dunigan


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