Severosi Consulate Organization in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Severosi Consulate

The consulate for the country of Severos.
Tier: I
Hold: Strong [1]: 282
Turf: The Consulate has a small office and apartments in the district of Charterhall.
Notable Assets: The consulate offices are not considered to be under the governorship of Doskvol. Bluecoats and the City Council have no power here. They also retain many documents and broad powers that can levy fines, impose tarriffs, open trade, etc.
Quirks: The Consulate is often closed. Severosi citizens know how to gain entry, but few others do. The staff of the consulate live in apartments above the consulate, so most of them are never seen. Two of their number visit the Governor and City Council, and are known to be of friendly and easy nature.

Diplomacy Diagram not available


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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper
Character flag image: Severosi Consulate Symbol by Randall Dunigan


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