Glitter Item in The Shattered Empire of Loria | World Anvil


Created in recent years by alchemists of The Black Hand, glitter is an extremely destructive drug whose use is sharply on the rise in the kingdoms of Loria. The Black Hand always seeking to make a profit at the expense of others and infinitely curious about the power of the Otherlands frequently experiment with substances like Blight Nectar despite the risks. We at The Blackwell Institute can only assume that initially glitter was created to empower members of The Black Hand but when its amazing and addictive qualities were discovered they saw an opportunity to make coin.



  Glitter has been outlawed in the eight major kingdoms of the world as well as in most if the smaller territories. Despite its amazing benefits the destructive side effects and the potential to bring Otherlands corruption into our world means it is highly illegal and harshly punished. In most places manufacturing the drug is akin to Otherlands incursion and is treated as such, with all involved killed and likely burned as well as the burning of facilities, equipment, and stock. Dealers are usually arrested and publicly executed if not killed on the spot and users are imprisoned or exiled; although, overzealous enforcers have been known to use more permenant methods as well.



Glitter, being made up of Otherlands ingredients, is far more fantastical than other more mundane drugs. As always I wouldn't call it magic, it follows the demonstrable laws of the Otherlands and is therefore just as natural as any process in Loria. While we do not have full understanding of why it works, we can demonstrate that it does, much like may processes we call mundane in Loria. The first effect is common enough in most drugs, initially the user feels incredible euphoria as stresses and anxieties fall away. The world seems clearer and vivid and the user is overcome with intense joy. This, however, is not what makes Glitter special as many safer elixers can give a similar if less vivid experience. The most compelling effect is that when taken the user finds themselves in the shoes of another. After the initial euphoria has faded the user completely forgets themselves by reliving, in such detail as to be indisinguishable from reality, the memory of another. It is truly impossible for the user to seperate themselves from the being whose memory they are living, nor can they even know that their true self exists or is in another time and place. So vivid is this experience that the user truly and deeply believes that memory is the present and is their own experience. We can only theorise that the memory experienced is that of whose blood was used in the concoction. We know well that blood carries the life essence of an individual and that our best and worst memories are the strongest in our minds and as such we believe the user experiences the best and worst memories of that individual.



The most obvious and perhaps most dangerous effects of Glitter is its addictive qualities. Naturally the vididness and incredibleness of the effects make it naturally appealing, especially when the memories lived are positive and exciting, but the drug itself has chemically addictive properties as well. In addition to this the drug is extremely damaging to the body as both Blight Nectar and Blight Caps are toxic and corrupting. With each use the user becomes more and more sick, the body degrades physically as the person becomes pale, weak, and lethargic; meanwhile, the mind becomes further corrupted with common effects including hallucinations and the hearing of Otherlands whispers. Those that do not degrade to he point of frailty and death with often go mad. Those that die or go mad are the lucky ones as the Blight Nectar can cause the a person to become Blightborn.

Manufacturing process

The process to producing this drug is known only to The Black Hand and its associates. We at The Blackwell Institute can only guess at the process, for completeness our theory is detailed below:  
  1. Thoroughly crush Crystallized Blight Nectar and set aside
  2. Smoke or otherwise dry Blight Caps
  3. Crush dried Blight Caps
  4. Allow blood to dry and crush in mortar
  5. Distill grain alcohol
  6. Blend all powders and dissolve in alcohol
  7. Boil mixture adding unknown reagents to creat a tincture
  8. Reduce tincture until no liquid remains.
  9. Allow remaining crystals to cool before crushing in Mortar
  10. Combine with unknown filler materials, possibly sugar or crystallized honey as well as finely ground gold flakes
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Current Location
Owning Organization
Glitter, also commonly known as dust, glow dust, and goldust can be found in almost every kingdom on Loria. While it is certainly not the most common or mundane drug, its use is currently on the rise. It can be commonly found anywhere The Black Hand operates assuming you know where to look.

Raw materials & Components
  • Crystallized Blight Nectar
  • Dried and powdered Blight Caps
  • Dried and powdered blood
  • A small amount of gold flakes
  • Unknown Alchemical Reagents
  • Unknown Filler Materials (Likely varies by recipe and cook)
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Still
  • Smoker, Oven, or Drying Racks
  • Cutting & Mixing Tools
  • Cauldron