Draconic Shard Species in The Severed Expanse | World Anvil
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Draconic Shard

Gem Dragons wield psionic power, and when a powerful gem dragon perishes, the force of the dragon's will and mind sometimes refuses to pass on. This essence lingers in the form of a psychic remnant called a draconic shard.   A draconic shard in its true form resembles a shimmering, spectral image of the dragon. More often, though, a shard inhabits an object the gem dragon poured psionic power into—typically a weapon or other item from the dragon's hoard. In this vessel, a draconic shard continues to pursue the interests and struggles that drove the dragon, perhaps even accompanying adventurers in the guise of an intelligent magic item and steering them to fulfill the dragon's designs.   A draconic shard is difficult to destroy. Destroying the shard's spectral form or an object the shard inhabits forces the spirit into the form of a cracked gemstone while the spirit slowly regains strength. Only if that stone is destroyed can the shard be put to rest.
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