Contractor Rank/Title in The Severed Expanse | World Anvil
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Loyalty is the main qualifier, as only those truly loyal to the Empire, and the letter of the law can be Contractors. Diplomatic skills are also important, as they are often seen as mediators, and some knowledge in economics is important as they often help set out deals to those less experienced. Each must also have some skill in magic, as creating Contracts requires some small amount of it.


Contractors report direct to the Head Administrator, and are appointed by them, or another Contractor.


Contractors are bureaucrats first and foremost, carrying out the law with aid from the Imperial Guard. Their primary task is to create and enforce Contracts. Any deal that is more than a one time transaction in the Empire is legally required to have a Contract attached, referencing the details, deadlines, and punishments of breaking the Contract. They are responsible for creating these Contracts with magic to keep track if the Contract is honored, and enforcing the punishments (with aid from the Imperial Guard) if they are not. Lower ranked Contractors also handle much of the paperwork the Empire creates, as well as collecting taxes, in agreement with Contracts that all citizens must sign.


Contractors hold an esteemed position in the Empire, higher than anyone other than Deed holders. They are to be obeyed in all things, and the punishment for disobeying a Contractor can be a hefty one. They are well compensated for the work, and many use their positions to enhance themselves.
Civic, Law
Source of Authority
The Empire of Ilien
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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