Winired Deryn Character in The Seventh Sphere | World Anvil

Winired Deryn

Winired Deryn

Winifred Deryn was a young lady from the town of Litansnell. She grew up with her older brother, Simon, who took care of her when their parents died of illness in the year 401. The town helped care for the orphaned siblings, who did odd jobs around the town for food and coin. While her brother focused on learning how to raise animals and tend to farmland, Winifred turned her focus to fighting, and at the age of 13 began training with the local guard captain, Johann Vishm.   In the spring of 411, Winifred and her brother signed up to join the adventuring party on their excursion to the mysterious wizard's tower that was rumored to exist deep within the Eodmann Forest. While Simon joined on as a simple laborer, Winifred joined as a guard, equipped with simple padded surcoat, leather skullcap, and a simple spear.   Winifred remained with the party on their following adventures, earning coin and becoming friends with the group. She was gifted a new halberd by the party, along with clothing and armor, and in her ninth month with the party was initiated as a full member after she completed her training as a proper warrior.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Winifred was short with a lean, muscular build. For her age and size she was incredibly strong, and was in fact the strongest person in all of Litansnell. During fair times, she outmatched all in every contest of strength, especially in the arm-wrestling competition of the summer fair. This led to rumors that she had ogre blood in her, despite her parents being fully human.

Facial Features

Winifred had a round face with mostly soft features. She had soft eyes the color of an overcast sky, and her left eyebrow was marked with a small scar from slipping in the river as a child and striking her head on a rock.

Apparel & Accessories

Winifred's outfit as of Azuqit 411 is an orange-dyed linen, long-sleeve tunic, with brown laces to tie across the chest. She wears grey wool trousers with a brown leather belt and copper buckle. On her feet are thick wool socks with brown leather shoes. On her hands she wears brown-dyed wool gloves. Overtop her tunic, Winifred wears a padded surcoat that has been dyed a rich pink. Over this she wears a the Dwarven Defender's Ring Mail, a ringmail jacket, dyed in a black and purple chevron pattern: the chest of of the armor has a frayed patch where an emblem has been removed.

Personality Characteristics


Winifred joined the party for a couple reason: firstly, she needed the money and it seemed the best way to make coin quickly. Secondly, she desired to see the world outside of her little town and expand her worldview. But as she continued with the party, her motivations had shifted, and now wants to help the party eliminate the threat of the Cult of the Worm, to protect her town, her brother, and her newfound friends.

Likes & Dislikes

Winifred loves to dance, and will take any opportunity she can to do so. She has become fond of dwarven ale and wine since traveling through the country of Stakuthar.   Winifred has a fear of giants, ever since she watched her ally Branamir get crushed to death right beside her by a hill giant on the 2nd of Mardushil.

Virtues & Personality perks

Winifred is quick to defend her allies, and doesn't back down to protect people from harm.

Vices & Personality flaws

Winifred is impatient, and sometimes quite pessimistic. She is can be quite lazy, shirking her duties to catch a quick nap or to pal around with the rest of the party. Being young and impressionable by the adventuring party, who spend much on partying in taverns and inns, Winifred has taken a strong liking to ale and wine and will imbibe heavily if given the opportunity.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
Kuruqit 30
Year of Birth
395 PR 16 Years old
Short, gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned complexion
110 lb.