The 5th Wonder of Mars Character in The Seven Seals Legendarium | World Anvil

The 5th Wonder of Mars

Mystic Geisha's grace, Sapphire eyes hold secrets deep, Strength and beauty's embrace.

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

The 5th Wonder of Mars, Wife of the Red God, Lady Amelia, the Desert Rose, Carmen Tejedor Skyburner the 1st

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Carmen Skyburner possesses a commanding presence, standing at 6 feet 5 inches, although, by Martian standards, she is considered relatively short for women. Her striking appearance is marked by smooth caramel-toned skin that hints at her mixed heritage, complemented by piercing sapphire-blue eyes that seem to hold the secrets of galaxies within them. Her long, raven-black hair cascades gracefully down her back, usually kept in two immaculate buns atop her head. Carmen maintains a level of physical fitness and agility befitting her multifaceted role as a Geisha, a swordswoman, and a woman of power and influence. Her body shape is a harmonious blend of strength and grace, with a toned and agile physique that bears the subtle scars of her rigorous sword training, a testament to her dedication and proficiency in martial arts.
Remarkably, Carmen enjoys robust health, free from debilitating illnesses or afflictions. She is a testament to the benefits of her disciplined lifestyle, which includes rigorous physical training, meditation, and careful dietary choices. These practices have helped her maintain her vitality and resilience, essential for both her demanding Geisha work and her secretive endeavors. Carmen's attire reflects her status and refined tastes. She often adorns herself in kimono robes crafted from luxurious fabrics, adding to her regal presence. Exquisite jewelry, adorned with precious gems and metals, graces her form, further enhancing her striking appearance.

Specialized Equipment

  • Retirement, Swiftblade of Eternal Struggles
Gifted to Carmen by Balkyth, this Yatagan blade is incredibly valuable. Complete with ornate markings and expensive decorations, it once belonged to Lord Paramount Ummu Kulthoom el-Sadek who reigned over a galaxy-sized empire. The Lord's rule came to ruin when the Star Javelin destabilized his kingdom and cut off his head. Carmen wielded the sword with great confidence and employed the many enchantments on it, principal amongst them granting swift speed and agility to its wielder.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Carmen was born as the daughter of a lawyer, Madelyn, and an Engineer, Balthazar I, and grew up on the planet Krie, the ancestorial home of the once great Skyburner Clan. Carmen was a genius from a young age at anything she tried and after studying to become a Geisha she moved to the planet Mars and began her incredibly profitable career.


  • Carmen received a  from an Imperial University on one of the moons of Krie, the Kostovo Imperial Women's University. Her family also paid for private lessons from a Skáld, Robertio, to further hone her skills and abilities. Upon graduation from KIWU, she received an Educational Visa and the title of Master Mathematician.
  • Balthazar I, Carmen's father, personally trained all of his children in the ways of the blade and Magic. He was an Engineer now but made a living as a Rōnin before he wed his wife. He imparted his wisdom and techniques unto them and Carmen improved upon them greatly.
  • While training at the Qu Dumania Okiya on Mars, Carmen was Mentored by the experienced Geisha Sakarias and Päivikki who helped refine her Traditional skills and formal manners.


Carmen primarily worked as a Geisha at the Qu Dumania Okiya on the planet Mars, she was among the Dsr-Rosario, called the Wonders of Mars by the Qu Dumania Okiya, which were the top earners of big-spending loyal clients. Carmen, moonlighting as Lady Amelia, was an incredibly successful Geisha, not only for her formal and conservative skills, but her mastery of the blade and magic as well as her intelligence made her incredibly desirable within the Martian star system which was not quite high class. On planets like Krie, her homeworld, or other worlds with extremely high levels of wealth, she might not have been so successful.
Carmen bills her Clients by the hour and usually entertains a Client for 2-3 days and 1-2 nights. A Standard Martian Day is 25 hours long and on the low end, Carmen has billable hours of ∐12,000 per hour. Going by her minimum of 3-day 2-night bookings, Carmen can easily bring in ∐900,000 off of one appointment. On the high end, when entertaining wealthy tycoons and noble Lords, her billables reach ∐72,000 per hour netting her 5.4 million based solely on the minimum of 3-day 2-night booking, not counting extensions or tips. Per her contract with Qu Dumania Okiya, she only receives 63% of the Client's pay + tips but also receives a Wonders of Mars Pay Bonus every quarter equal to her lowest billable hour for that quarter.
During her appointments, Carmen will attend public events with her clients, hold meaningful conversations with them, recite poetry and sagas of great heroes, or in some cases serve in a diplomatic capacity. However, Carmen is most sought after for her skills with the blade, her swordplay is elegant and beautiful and some clients love to watch her work, some prefer to spar with her, and some pay just so that she may teach them her craft.
Outside of her work as a Geisha, Carmen is a Wife of the Red God, a member of a religious order under The Holy Tree Ministry who worship a deity they believe to be sleeping at the center of the planet. The Wives of the Red God are cultural icons and figures of faith within the community. This role primarily involves religious events, festivals, ceremonies, and public showcases of faith. The pay is nothing compared to the Qu Dumania, however, some clients are willing to pay more for a Geisha who is not only so religiously devoted but also holds such a high and esteemed position within society, adding to her value as a Geisha. Additionally, as a Wife of the Red God, she received a significant tax break from the Church as a "civil servant".
An example of Carmen's income. Let's break down Carmen's earnings step by step: Billable Hours:
  • Carmen works 232 days in a year.
  • She entertains a client for a minimum of 3 days and 2 nights.
  • A Martian day is 25 hours long.
  • On the low end, she bills ∐12,000 per hour.
  • On the high end, she bills ∐72,000 per hour.
We'll calculate the range of her billable hours:
  • Low End: 12,000 * 25 hours * 3 days = ∐900,000 per booking
  • High End: 72,000 * 25 hours * 3 days = ∐5,400,000 per booking
Client Tips:
  • Low-end clients tip around 10-20%.
  • High-end clients tip around 45-53%.
Let's assume an average tip rate of 15% for low-end clients and 50% for high-end clients. Income Before Taxes and Bonuses:
  • Carmen's income per booking (low-end): ∐900,000 + (0.15 * ∐900,000) = ∐1,035,000
  • Carmen's income per booking (high-end): ∐5,400,000 + (0.50 * ∐5,400,000) = ∐8,100,000
Number of Bookings:
  • Assuming most of her bookings are high-end, let's assume she has 200 high-end bookings and 32 low-end bookings in a year.
Total Income Before Taxes and Bonuses:
  • Total income from high-end bookings: 200 * ∐8,100,000 = ∐1,620,000,000
  • Total income from low-end bookings: 32 * ∐1,035,000 = ∐33,120,000
Income After Taxes:
  • Martian Government tax (5%): 0.05 * (Total Income) = 0.05 * (∐1,620,000,000 + ∐33,120,000) = ∐81,606,000
  • Imperial Federal Government tax (12%): 0.12 * (∐1,620,000,000 + ∐33,120,000) = ∐215,774,400
  • Imperial Church of the Imperium tax (3%): 0.03 * (∐1,620,000,000 + ∐33,120,000) = ∐64,423,200
  • Total Taxes: ∐81,606,000 + ∐215,774,400 + ∐64,423,200 = ∐361,803,600
Income After Taxes:
  • Total income after taxes: (∐1,620,000,000 + ∐33,120,000) - ∐361,803,600 = ∐1,291,915,400
  • Wonders of Mars Pay Bonus: ∐12,000 per quarter * 4 quarters = ∐48,000
  • Quality Bonus (highest billable hours, paid twice a year): 2 * ∐72,000 = ∐144,000
  • Total Bonuses: ∐48,000 + ∐144,000 = ∐192,000
Total Annual Income:
  • Total annual income after taxes and bonuses: ∐1,291,915,400 + ∐192,000 = ∐1,292,107,400 (1.3 Billion Hosar a Year or 1.95 Billion Martian Kussels a Year)
The Mia Heart Brothel and Bed
Carmen was raised by a retired warrior and a royal noblewoman, she knows that power is all that actually matters at the end of the day, and whoever has more power is all that matters before that. The MHBB was a business Lady Carmen started to lay the groundwork for what would become her network of spies and informants for anything she wanted to know, on or off Mars. On the outside, Lady Carmen had started her own escort company to supplement her income as one of the 7 Wonders of Mars, she hand-picked her escorts and maintained them and all of their needs while also giving them access to her back-catalog of mid to low range Clients who may want more than the services of a Geisha.
On the inside, however, the truth was evident. The "escorts" were Black Widows, and were not cheap to purchase (139.2 trillion ∐ Hosar to be exact, for her starting order), but well trained and loyal to death. The back catalog of clients extended to prominent government officials and persons of interest from whom information could be obtained or whose services could be purchased by means of blackmail. One use Carmen gained from the MHBB was dramatically reduced taxes on top of her other privileges. The MHBB would be replicated and franchised on other planets. This front was the means by which her spies communicated and coordinated themselves under the guise of the Red Light District.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Carmen grew up in luxury and when she became a Geisha on Mars, her own immense wealth only increased tenfold, as did her power. She developed her own network of spies and informants to gain even more power but felt the walls of isolation begin to close in as she didn't know who to actually trust and who was just afraid of her. She had allowed her power to make her lonely until she crossed paths with Lord Bālkyth of House Reyes of the Hunt. Bālkyth was a Rōnin turned Lord who came to greatly enjoy Carmen's services and eventually they developed a real relationship. He was the first person she trusted and loved and she had her only child, Bālthazar II, named after her father. She was happy with her lover and considered marrying him until his untimely death at the hands of a Khaos Dragon.
His death caused Carmen to refer back to her old ways and back into fear and suspicion. She projected this fear onto her beloved son Bālthazar, seeking to hold onto him forever so as not to lose him too, subconsciously hoping he would feel safe enough that he would never want to leave. Carmen couldn't let go of her son until it was too late and in the end, she was never allowed to rectify her emotions with him before her death.


Contacts & Relations

  • Calcifer-Z03 (Slave-Knight)
Captain Calcifer is the Captain of the Eunuch Slave-Knights Carmen purchased as security for her public and private operations. Calcifer and his Knights were purchased from the Eiglay Company, a mega-cooperation in the bio-engineering market that bred Eunuchs without any desire, simply to be completely complacent to a master and loyal to the death. Calcifer was the greatest among them and he was never far from Carmen's side.
  • Ana-Emanuella Skyburner (Aunt)
Aunt Ana-Emanuella is the one who introduced Carmen to the world of Geisha as she is a Geisha herself on Krie. While her mother, Madelyn, secured her a spot at the Kostovo Imperial Women's University (KIWU), Carmen's aunt is responsible for helping her hone her skills and crafts to the tee to become an excellent Geisha.
  • Terrwyn & Tagwen (Employees)
Otten is referred to simply as "The Twins" or the "Terror", Terrwyn and Tagwen are two of Carmen's Black Widows and among her best at information gathering and intelligence. They are assigned to run the Mia Heart Brothel and Bed Pleasure House franchise and weaponize it to meet Carmen's needs.

Family Ties

  • Skyburner Madelyn (Mother)
  • Tejedor Balthazar I (Father)
  • Skyburner Paz (Sister)
  • Skyburner Jeremías (Brother)
  • Skyburner Maximiliano (Brother)
  • Skyburner Anna-Monserrat (Sister)
  • Skyburner Jonatán III (Brother)
The Skyburners were a wealthy Clan on the Planet Krie, now led by Madelyn and her Lord-Consort Balthazar I. Together they had six children, 3 daughters, Paz, Anna-Monserrat, and Carmen, and 3 sons, Jeremías, Maximiliano, and Jonatán III (named after his father's father).
  • Reyes Bālkyth (Lover)
  • Skyburner Bālthazar II (Son)


Star Javelin Bālkyth, Beholder of the Word Endings

Lord-Husband (Vital)

Towards The 5th Wonder of Mars



The 5th Wonder of Mars

Lady-Wife (Vital)

Towards Star Javelin Bālkyth, Beholder of the Word Endings



Wealth & Financial state

  • Funds: Carmen maintains multiple sources of income, including her earnings as a Geisha, the profits from her Mia Heart Brothel and Bed franchise, and dividends from her extensive investments in mega-corporations. She holds substantial funds in her digital accounts, ready for immediate use, while also maintaining secret vaults filled with valuable assets that can be converted into currency.
  • Disposable Income: Her annual disposable income is staggering, reaching into the billions of Hosar. This considerable financial cushion affords her a luxurious lifestyle, allowing her to indulge in extravagances and maintain her network of spies and informants.
  • Assets: Carmen's assets are diverse and extensive. She owns multiple properties, including opulent residences on Mars and other planets within the Martian star system. Additionally, she possesses valuable artifacts, fine art, and rare collectibles obtained from her well-connected clientele.
  • Investments: Carmen has strategically invested her wealth in some of the largest mega-corporations and interstellar enterprises. Her financial portfolio is diversified, spanning various industries, from bio-engineering to interstellar trading. These investments yield significant returns, contributing to her ever-growing wealth.

Clan Skyburner Coat of Arms
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Red Beauty
  • Envy of the Martian Sands
  • Wife of the Red God
  • The Vagabond's Lover
  • The 5th Wonder of Mars
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by Khaos Daemons during a Realm Tear over Mars
Dark Blue
Raven Black Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown Carmel
120 Lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Education, my dear, is the cornerstone of my success. I hold the title of Master Mathematician, a testament to my commitment to excellence. But it was my father who taught me the way of the blade and magic, skills I've honed and merged into my identity."
  • "I am Carmen Skyburner, a name known in the highest echelons of society and whispered in the darkest corners of intrigue. My wealth is vast, my influence immeasurable, and my secrets well-guarded. In this cosmic dance of power and intrigue, I am the Desert Rose, blooming in the sands of time."
The Church of the Red God (Martian)
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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