The Unseen Organization in The Seven Quäenaï | World Anvil
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The Unseen

The Unseen is the government of mages in Arcallon. After the Mage's Exile, they changed their name to the Unseen, going into hiding. They remained hidden until a few years after the Resurgence, when King Tyros died, leaving behind an altogether more tolerant son.  


Ever since the Mage's exile, when the Unseen's previous leader, Corvyn, died, the Unseen has been ruled by the elf Nesorden, a conservative who is reluctant to emerge from hiding until the Arcallish government's oppression has ended. The Unseen's traditional hierarchy includes three lieutenants below the leader, although since one of these lieutenants broke away from the main group, their position has remained empty. Under these two lieutenants is a collection of ministers of various sectors of government, such as Finance and Health.  


The Unseen's primary responsibility is ensuring the collective wellfare of the mages of Arcallon. During the Era of Swords, this often includes liberating captured mages and erasing charges against several magic-users who hide in plain sight among the Arcallish. Frequently, this means that the Unseen is interfering more than Nesorden would wish, although he puts his people before his own preferences.
This means that the Unseen is expected to ensure all mages in Arcallon have shelter, food, and a place to sleep. In addition, the Unseen is responsible for defending mages in court.  

The Erendriel

The Erendriel is a splinter group of the Unseen, led by former lieutenant Taladryn. They believe that Arcallon should be taken back by force. Taladryn is served by two lieutenants, the duskwalker Elothar Stormwind and the human Mesryn Silvertongue. Both of these lieutenants serve Taladryn in diffrent ways; Elothar as a powerful warrior, and Gedren as the face of the Erendriel.
Around one-tenth of the Unseen joined the Erendriel at its formation, but in the years right before the Resurgence, the Erendriel was half the size of the Unseen. This is mainly because of Mesryn's propaganda campaign, which has had great influence on the members of the Unseen. However, the success of the Erendriel has also swayed many high-up members of the Unseen.
Guild, Mages
Controlled Territories

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