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The seven ilyatári, or seeing-stones, of Irëduin were much valued by all. They were farsyte stones bigger than someone's fist. A person could wrap their hand around half of one at most, varying with hand size.


An ilyatár was placed in each of the Seven Great Watchtowers; Ïdur Athándrë, Ïdur Ananwë, Ïdur Narochtar, Ïdur Aluverí, Ïdur Fíuren, Ïdur Núvilr, and Ïdur Olarï. The ilyatár in Ïdur Olarï was taken by the Enemy at the end of the First Age of Irëduin. The stones of Ïdur Aluverí and Ïdur Núvilr were in the possession of the elves and dwarves, respectively. The other four ilyatári had been lost in the First and Second Ages, and their locations were unknown until Ralthyr Wyronas discovered the Ïdur Athándrë stone near the end of the Third Age.

Uses and History

In the First Age of Irëduin, the ilyatári were created to keep the people of Irëduin connected with each other. On more than one occasion, they stopped an impending defeat for their users. When they were lost, the kingdoms fell out of contact, and were defeated on multiple occasions. In the Third Age of Irëduin, when Ralthyr Wyronas rediscovered the Ïdur Athándrë stone, he used it to contact Tywell and Zÿ, who were working to free the Tílunuren people from slavery at the hands of Gu B'omarrin Kashar. In the Eighth Universal Age, one of the ilyatári, probably the one from Ïdur Ananwë, fell into the hands of the Celestial Rebels, who used it to spy on the activities of the Deathwatch. At the end of the Ninth Universal Age, the ilyatári were restored to their former owners, all apart from the one belonging to Ïdur Athándrë, which was bequeathed to Ralthyr.
Item type

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