Turrim Hawk Species in The Seas of Steel | World Anvil
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Turrim Hawk

She rules the skies

She soars above the Kava plain,
This open sky is her domain,
Above the clouds and o'er the rain,
She gazes at the hilled terrain.
  What muse of fire, and of ice,
Created this divine device?
What mortal man could pay the price,
To own the skies, this paradise?
— Unnamed poet
  The turrim hawk, often referred to as the tustal, is an apex predator of the Salt Plains, serving as much a symbol of awe for the Brown Halora as a lion or tiger would for a human.

Basic Information


The turrim hawk is more related in structure to a condor than to a hawk. It has large wings, and a sharp beak. They rule unopposed in the skies above Zentland. And, while the condor only eats carrion, the tustal has evolved strong grasping talons, allowing it to hunt everything from the dumbest of zhushe to the smartest of halora.
— Automated report
  The bird is approximately twice the size of a condor, with a maximum wingspan of 6 meters (20 feet), and mass of up to 30 kg. On Earth, such a bird would not fly; however, the minimal gravity on Clara allows it to soar. Many of its body portions are similar to a normal condor. However, a few parts are slightly different.  
  • The bird has sharp talons, similar to a hawk's,
  • The bird's beak is also closer to a hawk's than a condor's,
  • The bird can travel at a speed somewhat faster than a condor,
  • The bird's plumage is mostly brown, instead of black,
  • and the bird develops a mostly white underside.
Scientific Name
Hauker arborvitas
Zentland Kava Forest, Clara
70-80 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern

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