Deneir, God of Art Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Deneir, God of Art

Deneir, the Absent-Minded Scribe



Meet Deneir, the deity of vast book knowledge, known for his outward appearance of absent-mindedness. While he possessed a wealth of information, his lack of focus often led to meandering tales and an eccentric connection to the modern world.  

Absent-Minded Wisdom

Despite his immense knowledge, Deneir struggled to convey his wisdom coherently. His mind raced along multiple trains of thought, causing him to trail off mid-sentence and delve into seemingly endless digressions about tangentially related substories.  

Out of Touch with the World

Deneir's interactions with the modern world were often misguided. He adhered to outdated points of etiquette, mixed slang terms, and unintentionally amused others with his attempts to sound current.  

Calm and Studious

Despite his eccentricities, Deneir remained relatively calm and displayed few characteristics associated with madness. He adopted a stodgy and studious outlook on life, dedicated to the pursuit of truth. His lengthy stories, though challenging to follow, always held vital pieces of information for the patient listeners.  


Deneir, the Absent-Minded Scribe, may have appeared scattered and out of touch, but beneath his eccentricities lay a wealth of knowledge waiting to be shared. Patience and understanding were required to unlock the valuable insights hidden within his meandering tales.
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