Cult of Deneir Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of Deneir

The Followers of Deneir: Embracing Art, Knowledge, and Divine Inspiration



In the divine tapestry of the gods, Deneir stands as a luminary of art, knowledge, and inspiration. As the brother god of Oghma, the followers of Deneir remain closely connected with those who revere the deity of wisdom. The churches dedicated to Deneir embrace the beauty of artistic expression and the pursuit of boundless knowledge.

Halls of Wisdom and Creativity

Each of Deneir's sacred houses houses a magnificent library, a treasure trove of literature, maps, and records of ancient languages and artistic masterpieces. Within these hallowed halls, devoted scribes diligently transcribe books, adding to the ever-growing collection of knowledge and creativity.

Divine Response to Devotion

Deneir listens to the prayers of his organized priests and chooses followers who embody his ideals: the drive to invent, create, and learn. While generally laid-back, Deneir's teachings encourage his devotees to create with a conscience, eschewing the design of weapons of war or death. Some of his strictly organized orders, however, have struggled with balancing their hierarchy and duties, which at times impedes the joy of learning and inventing.

The Spellplague and Divine Transformation

During the tumultuous Spellplague, Deneir took a remarkable step to restore the stability of Mystra's Weave. He wrote the Metatext, intertwining himself with the Weave, and seemingly vanished as a distinct divine entity. In this transformation, he granted his remaining Chosen, Cadderly Bonaduce, greater arcane abilities.

Beyond Toril

Beyond the realms of Toril, Deneir's wisdom and inspiration resonate with the fal, a race of colossal slug-like "scholars of wildspace," who join in the reverence of Deneir alongside Oghma and Thoth.

The Chosen and the Favored

Deneir's Chosen are exceptional individuals bestowed with divine favor and unique powers. Some of these remarkable individuals, like Cadderly Bonaduce and Pertelope, exhibit a more relaxed approach to rules and hierarchy, often granted direct access to divine spells. To become Chosen, studying the holy Tome of Universal Harmony is a prerequisite, unlocking the profound gifts granted by Deneir.
  Among the other favored followers are individuals such as Tomas Bookbinder, the esteemed proxy of the Library of All Knowledge, and Brother Chaunticleer, the melodious singer of Deneir's song. Kimitar Thaeless, a gifted glyphscribe, earned Deneir's favor for recording the remarkable account of Oshgir, a notable half-orc who experienced the depths of the Underdark.


In the realm of Deneir, artistry and knowledge intertwine, and divine inspiration fuels the pursuit of creativity and wisdom. The followers of this benevolent deity embrace the joy of learning, the beauty of artistic expression, and the boundless possibilities of invention. Whether within the halls of the divine libraries or across the cosmos, the legacy of Deneir endures, empowering those who seek to shape the world with their passions and discoveries.
Notable Members