Cult of Cyric Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of Cyric

The Deceptive Faith of Cyric



Enter the twisted world of Cyric, the God of Lies. Even before attaining godhood, he gathered devoted followers known as the Company of the Scorpions, a zealous contingent of Zhent warriors who embraced his cause and abandoned their former loyalties.  

The Hated Church

Cyric's church was despised across Toril for its malevolent ways. Pledged to spread strife and murder, the church sought to make people believe in and fear the Dark Sun. Embracing cruelty and fostering fear and intrigue, they skillfully avoided outright war, causing chaos and madness wherever they went.  

Clerical Practice

Cyric's clerics prayed for spells at night, following moonrise, and often trained as rogues or assassins. Among them were the strifeleaders, specialty priests devoted to furthering Cyric's dark agenda.  

Enlightenment in Deception

The Cyricist clergy saw their faith as one of enlightenment, revealing the ephemeral nature of societal bonds such as friendship, family, and love, deeming them weak and pitiful.  

Holy Occasions

The church celebrated few holy days, except for the Day of the Dark Sun, declared by the high priest to sanctify important events or sacrifices. Eclipses were also considered holy occasions, marked with feasts, fervent prayers, and bloody sacrifices.  

Unlikely Followers

Cyric's influence extended beyond his ascension worshippers, gaining followers among the Bedine people of Anauroch, Tethyrian cultists, malevolent tieflings, and even renegade githyanki.  

Center of Worship

In the early years of Cyric's divinity, Zhentil Keep and the Moonsea region served as the center of his worship. Later, his religion endured in Amn and the Lands of Intrigue, where its tenets aligned with their culture of ambition and self-reliance.  

Denizens of Deceit

Cyric's immortal servants, the 'denizens' or 'shades,' resided within the Bone Castle and the City of Strife. He also held dominion over the False and the Faithless, souls tormented in the Wall.  


The deceptive faith of Cyric is a dark and cunning force, drawing in zealous devotees to spread chaos, lies, and fear across the realms. With its center of worship ever-changing, and its influence reaching unlikely corners, the Deceptive Faith of Cyric continues to sow discord and turmoil wherever it takes root.
Religious, Cult
Notable Members