Cyric, God of Lies Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cyric, God of Lies

Cyric - The Mad God of Selfishness



In life, Cyric was a petty and selfish man who believed in the isolation of individuals, trusting no one and relying solely on his own survival instincts. Despite occasional acts in the interest of others and displays of bravery, Cyric's worst aspects prevailed, leading him down a dark path.  

The Struggle Within

Cyric's selfishness and inability to handle intense emotions caused him to distance himself from those who cared for him. His inner turmoil stemmed from conflicting desires to do right by others and to assert his dominance and power.  

A Dark Transformation

As an adventurer, Cyric's darker traits, including his fascination with killing and manipulative nature, were amplified. Upon ascending to divinity, he became entirely egocentric, finding joy in manipulating mortals into destruction.  

Childish and Paranoid

As the youngest god in the Faerûnian pantheon, Cyric often behaved like a child, being impatient, moody, and irrational when things didn't go his way. He even formed derogatory nicknames for other gods and displayed paranoia towards both powerful deities and lesser beings.  

Descent into Madness

Cyric's madness intensified, plagued by delusions and countless voices in his mind. He fantasized about inflicting horrors on his enemies, weaving lies and false memories into a twisted new reality. His fractured psyche struggled to contain his conflicting selves, leading him to believe he was the only true god of the Realms.  


Cyric's journey from a selfish mortal to a mad and power-hungry deity stands as a cautionary tale. His descent into madness and megalomania serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked selfishness and the perils of succumbing to one's darkest desires. The Mad God's presence continues to sow chaos and strife in the realms, reminding all that even gods can be driven to madness.
Chaotic Evil
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