Continental Arsenal Organization in The Scion's Reach | World Anvil

Continental Arsenal

The best weapons are those you only need to use once.
— Richard Walker, 381

The Continental Arsenal, often referred to as The Arsenal, is a major defense contractor of the Vestan Federation specialized in heavy weapon systems. It is headquartered in Bel Avenir and has facilities all around Auriga for weapon design, manufacturing and testing. The Arsenal is mostly known to produce weapons for the Vestan Defense Forces, from anti-tank missiles to anti-ship cannons, making it a very important defense contractor for the government. The Arsenal often works in conjunction with both Fenrir Dynamics and Hyperion Industries to design and manufacture military ships and vehicles.

The Arsenal's primary facilities are located in Yushan, on Vesta. These include design bureaus as well as manufacturing plants, although only prototypes are manufactured on Vesta. Mass production of weapons are instead performed on manufacturing sites on the two moons of Vestalia I and II, or on orbital factories. The Arsenal also operates several testing sites on Atalanta to perform its own trials before presenting its products to the government. Weapons produced by the Arsenal are known to be robust and effective, perfect for high-intensity combat, but are also expensive and unimaginative.


The Continental Arsenal was initially founded in 74 as a national entity controlled by the United Kingdoms of Yushan. Destined to produce weapons of high quality for the government, the Arsenal quickly gained a reputation around the world for being the first and only national institution dedicated to war in a time of peace. The Arsenal's work would eventually come to use in the outbreak of the Colonial War, where its weapons proved to be highly effective. The overwhelming firepower of the Continental Alliance allowed it to push the frontline further inland before coming to a stop in 78.

As the arms race begun between the Astrelano-Navaran Coalition and the Continental Alliance, the Arsenal continued to improve on its own products. This allowed the Alliance to maintain an edge for several years before the Coalition retaliated in 82. After the end of the war, the Arsenal was integrated as a public company in the service of MINERVA, and was tasked with updating and maintaining the administration's armed forces. This continued until the collapse of MINERVA, after which the company became completely independant. Despite its independance, the prohibitive cost of its product means that only the Vestan Federation and a handful of Private Military Companies can afford the Arsenal's weapons.

Placeholder by Negev1812
Creating the future of warfare
October, 7th, 74
Bel Avenir, Vesta
Area served
Key people
Richard Walker (CEO)
66.175 billion PLV (381)
Operating income
4.791 billion PLV (381)
Number of employees
35 693 (382)

Major Departments

Research & Development
The Arsenal's Research and Development department is a highly secretive department due to the nature of its work. The company invests heavily in R&D to provide the most exceptional weapons to its clients, which is one of the reasons for the prohibitively high costs of such weapons.
The main manufacturing plants of the Arsenal are located on the moons of Vestalia I and Vestalia II. These run around the clock to produce enough weapons and ammunition for the VDF, and several more factories are currently under construction. The Arsenal also maintains a manufacturing site on Vesta to assemble prototypes and unique test beds.
Sales & Procurement
The sales of the Arsenal's weapons mostly occurs in Bel Avenir between government agents and corporate sales representatives. The largest contracts are of course those of the VDF, but some particularly wealthy private military companies can afford the Arsenal's products.


Vehicle Weapons

Most of the Arsenal's products are meant to be mounted on vehicles of various sizes. Ranging from heavy machineguns to large artillery railguns, the Arsenal provides a wide range of weapons capable of immense destruction should they fall under the wrong hands. As a result, numerous audits and investigations are performed regularily to ensure that the company's products arrive in the hands of those they were meant for. These weapons are known to be effective, even against Enodian forces, should a conflict ever break out.

Space Weapons

The Arsenal also manufactures weapons meant to be mounted on spaceships of various sizes. These take the form of anti-ship Ostrom cannons, point defense guns and tactical cruise missiles. Due to the immense destruction these weapons are capable of, only the government is authorized to purchase them, and numerous measures are in place to enforce this legal obligation. Compared to Enodian weapons, the Arsenal's products use more readily available materials and ammunition, but lack in range and accuracy.

Cover image: Mars by The Expanse


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