The rising dracon History of The Rising Dracon Timeline
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History of The Rising Dracon

The Awakened Age

3668 3801

  • 3668 K.U.

    The Awakening
    Era beginning/end

    The appearance of two mysterious individuals wielding godlike power brought about the devastation of Kaori, but from it seemed to open the universe to strange supernatural elements as magic, demons, and super powers suddenly flooded into the world.

  • 3767 K.U.

    Creation of Legacy

    Founded by Valerie Nicolette, the sixth wielder of the sword Deliverance, Legacy started as a small community center that quickly grew into a large heroic organization dedicated to protecting the people of I'ltoanl.

  • 3769 K.U.

    Legacy's creation of the Hero's Commission

    After a somewhat intense political struggle within Kaori, Legacy created an independent commission to ensure those seeking to do vigilante actions are properly trained and monitored while receiving necessary support.

  • 3790 K.U.

    Founding of Okawa Corporation

    After receiving an impressive research grant from the Kaori government, Kaya Okawa initially founded is company to do R&D. The corporation quickly grew both during after the Solar Wars.

  • 3794 K.U.

    3801 K.U.

    Solar Wars
    Military action

    A global conflict between the four major factions of the world: The Northern Suns Federation, the Yedian Union, the I'lix Coalition, and Legacy. When the war ended, these groups unified into a single faction known as the Imotaiyo Federation.

  • 3801 K.U.

    Creation of the Imotaiyo Federation

    Soon after the creation of the Imotaiyo Federation, its people, now unified under a single banner, began to quickly expand out into the universe around them. New technologies were developed, colonies formed, and the Federation soon was firmly established as a galactic empire.

The Imotaiyo Dominion

3802 and beyond

  • 3802 K.U.

    Formation of the Arkimedes Company

    The merger of several companies that produced Robotics, Retail, and all kinds of weaponry. The Arkimedes Company quickly became one of the largest corporations present in the Federation. Their products are found on everyday citizens.

  • 3803 K.U.

    Creation of the First Tenmon Gate
    Scientific achievement

    A scientific breakthrough by the Northern Suns Federation, the Tenmon Gates allow travel into a mystical realm known as Tendou. Using this new means of transportation, the Imotaiyo Federation became able to rapidly travel across the universe, faster than any could have dreamed possible in times before.

  • 3852 K.U.

    Colonization of the Alaria System

    Not long after its initial discovery, the Alaria System was found to house particularly valuable resources and ecology, leading to its rapid colonization.

  • 3882 K.U.

    Creation of the Dracon Security Company

    Founded by Hayabusa Ren, the Dracon Security Company would establish itself as a very capable mercenary group that focused primarily on mixed unit tactics. Much of their work would revolve around defending settlements and mines on the Alhara side of the planet Jana.

  • 3900 K.U.

    Death of Hayabusa Ren
    Life, Death

    Killed in battle against one of Jana's apex beasts, parts of Ren's mech were salvaged and the Dracon Security Company came under new management.

  • 3902 K.U.

    Usurption of the Dracon Security Company

    Fed up with poor treatment and stagnating wages, the members of the Dracon Security Company overthrew the owners. Reestablishing themselves after the event, the company's new management set to work on building the company back up to its former glory and beyond.

  • 3904 K.U.

    Lionheart Rebellion

    After generations of suffering from cruel conditions and oppression, many of the Federation's colony worlds have risen up in open rebellion. Lead by Princess Mariele von Löwenherz, they seek to gain autonomy from the Federation and give each world the right to rule themselves, free from the control of a far-off government that cares little for them.

    More reading
    Lionheart Rebellion