M'Kraath Species in The Rising Dracon | World Anvil
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The M'Kraath is a deadly species of scorpion found in the Alahara side of Jana. They are 28 cm (11 in) in length and can weigh as much as 70 grams. Their evolutionary origins can be traced back to the Gigantometrus which gave them their ginormous pincers capable of gripping at a force of up to 2,000 PSI. Being near the M'Kraath Omai have also made their chitin more resistant to a downward pressure or force, scientists are unsure if this is due to evolution or of a magical nature. They can only be found around the sandstorm generated by the M'Kraath Omai and are a very nutritious meal for the Alharians. Some colonies have managed to snatch a handful and have attempted to breed farms of them, after tens of years of domestication they have been successful and their meats are now sold in most middle-wealth markets.


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