Keeper of Contracts Profession in The Realms | World Anvil

Keeper of Contracts

In several of the Realms, there was a profession known as 'Keeper,' or in less kind and flowery terms, a slaver. In the days before the Convergence, Keepers would find those with high debt or the foolish and offer to give them a job of sorts. It was made legal by the signing of contracts that they would then keep to themselves, not even giving a copy to the signee, earning the name title of Keepers.   A single Keeper could have anywhere between five to a hundred contracts individually, the large networks of Keepers counting the contracts into the thousands. As the process of signing a contract was considered legal and the signee didn't have a copy of the contract, there was little the authorities could, or were willing, to do about the issue. After the Convergence, that changed with the Realms.   As each Realm settled into the new normal, Keepers attempted to continue with their work and expanding into the Final Realm. However, their end was spelled when they took several family members of people who were unwilling to let a signed paper stop them from justice. The Keeper's house was ransacked and the contracts found and brought to Cait Monarch's attention. The contracts were read and found to be non-binding, as several of the clauses contradicted each other and voided others.   News spread quickly and from there, Keepers in other Realms found themselves under attack by the law as each contract was taken from them and examined in full. When that did not prevent them from continuing, the act of being a Keeper was outlawed in all the Realms, some taking longer then others, and any who were a Keeper were thrown into jail. That isn't to say that there aren't any Keepers left, just that they are more well-hidden.


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