Norbury Settlement in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil


Summary and History

Norbury was first established as a small port town that made alliances with an early version of what is now Whitebridge. They grew considerably as this alliance allowed the East and West to trade.

Later, a trade deal was established with Elothil, which opened up opportunities to trade with the elves. There was a huge economic boom and Norbury became a huge metropolis built around the philosophy of trade. It is now a multicultural hub, where any are welcome; as long as they obtain a selling permit and pay the taxes.


The Land

Norbury is surrounded by a large amount of farmland (Norbury Farmland), the land is very fertile and the surrounding forest is a great source of game. The Ocean to the South and the Verion are both great sources of fish.


The People

Norbury is the largest of Cities in all of Sorus, even more so than Solaris. Norbury is the trade capital of the world, the people who live here are merchants, artisans, laborers, architects, nobles etc. The City is split into 8 different districts:

1. The Athenaeum

2. The Market District

3. The Guild Hall

4. The Residential District

5. The Grand Place

6. Sorus Harbor

7. Mead Boulevard

8. The Merchant Square  


The Leadership

The Merchants Guild runs Norbury, an association made up of the wealthiest and most successful merchants.

Leon Beaumont

Madame Dubois

The Merchant

Guillermo - Deceased

Steven de Bolbec - Missing


Law & Defence

The Norbury City Guard protects the City; a force of roughly 2000 guards whose expertise does not go further than petty theft and general city guard duties. The city itself is surrounded by large stone walls. There are 3 gated entraces to the city, and the city is also accessible via the Sorus Harbor . For that reason, there are also a few warships available, though they are never manned as there is no history of attacks via the sea.



Mostly merchants trying to swindle a good deal. Some thefts can happen but more rare due to being blacklisted. A small number of murders, many assaults etc.

Recently, a massive influx of drugs has hit the streets in Norbury.



• If you open a shop/establishment in the City you must pay a flat monthly payment of 8 gold, as well as register with The Merchants Guild. See Permanent Sale Permit.

• If you wish to sell ANYTHING, you MUST register for a Temporary Sale Permit at The Merchants Guild. You will pay a 5% sales tax on every sale. Trading counts as a sale.

• Stealing will result in a permanent ban from the city; equivalent exchange must be obeyed (trade goods for trade goods is okay).

• Breaking the peace results in a fine.

• Assault/Murder will lead to jail time or a more severe punishment.

• NO TRADING if you don't have a license from The Merchants Guild. WILL result in a ban from the City.



Basic Principles of Trading

Guilds, nobles, and otherwise influential people regulate trade. Chartered companies are granted rights to conduct trade along certain routes, to send merchant ships to various ports, or to buy or sell specific goods. Guilds set prices for the goods or Services that they control, and determine who may or may not offer those goods and Services. Merchants commonly exchange trade goods without using Currency. The Trade Goods table shows the value of commonly exchanged goods.


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