The Blossoming Heart Building / Landmark in The Realms Beyond | World Anvil

The Blossoming Heart

On the edge of Pacific Heights, near the Presidio National Park a space exists that doesn't appear on most maps but is a popular place for locals, a garden center called The Blossoming Heart, run by a family that is rumored to have built on the land decades ago. The manor style house that sits on the sprawling acreage was a personal investment of Darina's long ago, though when the Court settled in San Francisco she assisted with setting up the garden center that provides a safe business for Spring fae to interact with humans. It was her idea in the last decade to open the formal gardens to entry, for picnics and photos, though the hours are very set and particular. The garden center was popular on it's own, the plants from it said to be the best breeds to invest in, and the ability to find nearly anything sending those truly passionate about gardening to visit.     Opening the gardens brought in families though, and the laughter of children, playing in fountains or ponds, giving the fae in the mortal realm a happy task to watch over the younglings. Of all the courts Spring is most invested in the nurturing of youth, and to help young humans see the wonder of natural beauty is something that felt only natural. Various picnic spots are set up with idyllic views, and the gardens are vivid with life, though always most beautiful in the spring season. There's a covered path to wander, with statues set at various points, and often musicians and performers in the park, a small stage tucked away among trees thick on the part of the property that runs against the national park.     The house itself hosts high teas twice a month, a rare event that often has humans vying to attend, and weddings can be hosted on the property, sometimes using the stunning French country villa; there are rumors that money alone can not purchase the ability to use the space.     In truth the house itself is a safe haven for the curious, bright Spring fae, with countless bedrooms, music parlors, a large library and a myriad of art and dancing studios. Behind the house, in the private garden, tower two massive trees, between which the air seems to shimmer slightly if one looks just right. This is the portal to the Spring Realm, though careful wards ensure that humans stay within the boundaries of the property permitted for their use, altering the level of access dependent on the schedule set.
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